TIAR November 17, 2016

+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+

November 17, 2016
Board Meeting  Minutes

Attending: D.Barnes, D.Bird, B.Elwell, P.Goodman, R.Herman, N.Jaschik, E.Johnson, J.Noronha, H.Parreño, P.Peters, G.Strother, B.Swan, and G.Wethers.  

1. Opening Reflection-  By E.Johnson.   

2. Minutes:  Motion by E.Johnson; seconded by D.Barnes to approve the minutes of the October 20, 2016  board meeting.  Approved unanimously.  

3.  Treasurer reported-  D.Bird reported that the treasury balance was $2,322.55 as of 11/17/16.

4. Nominating Committee-  H.Parreño reported: The committee is at work and in process.

5. Annual Meeting Committee-  Members of committee are at this point B.Elwell, R.Herman, G.Wethers, E.Johnson and H.Parreño.

6. ROCACTS dinner on November 17, 2016-  Our own Sr. Gratia L’Esperance was honored.

8. Homelessness-  The task force for Homelessness is scheduled to meet with Ryan Acuff on 12/2/16 to learn as much as possible for us to determine a useful role for TIAR.  It has been suggested for as many as possible of us to read the book “Evicted.”

TIAR October 20, 2016

+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+

Board Meeting Minutes
October 20, 2016

Attending: D.Barnes, D.Bird, B.Elwell, C.Garman, M.Howden,  R.Herman, N.Jaschik, E.Johnson, G.L’Esperance, M.Morich, P.Peters, G.Strother, and G.Wethers.

1. Opening Reflection-    By M.Morich.   

2. Minutes:  Motion by C.Garman; seconded by D.Barnes to approve the minutes of the May 19, 2016 meeting. Approved. One abstention. Motion by M.Morich; seconded by M.Howden. to approve the minutes of the September 15, 2016 meeting. Approved.  One abstention.

3.  Treasurer report-  D.Bird reported that the treasury balance was $$2,294.82.

4. Membership - M.Morich reported.  Roster: 128 members.  It was determined that the annual membership billing will occur in January of each year starting with January 2017 rather than in November.

5. Planning for the forthcoming year- A task force of:  E.Johnson, B.Elwell, G.Strother and H.Parreño was appointed to analyze as quickly as possible the three priorities determined at the Retreat/Workshop:  Racism, Gun Violence and Poverty to provide a basis for a discussion at the November 17, 2016 Board Meeting.

6. Interfaith Teachings- Beginning with the November Board meeting our Reflections will include the presenter’s concept of social justice as found in the presenter’s faith tradition.

7. ROCACTS dinner on November 17, 2016- will honor our own Sr. Gratia L’Esperance.

8. RCRGL- N.Jaschjk reported.  The coalition was expanding and in a process of reforming.  A current goal is a Monroe County law for safe gun storage.

9. Homeless Needs- P.Peters reported. Reach Home has ended.  House of Mercy’s new shelter will not be ready until January 2017. Reach Advocacy is in formation to try to provide shelter in the interim

TIAR September 15, 2016

+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+

Board Meeting Minutes

September 15, 2016

Attending: D.Barnes, D.Bird, A.Cason, B.Elwell, R.Herman, M.Howden,  N.Jaschik, E.Lemon, M.Morich, J.Mruthyunjaya H.Parreño, P.Peters, W.Spilly, and B.Swan; Member-Guests-  Richard Codding, Rev. Richard Myers and Beth Meyers; Facilitator for Board Workshop/Retreat Elizabeth Osta
1. Opening Reflection-    By H. Parreño.   

2. Minutes:  Motion by W.Spilly; seconded by D.Barnes to approve the minutes of the June 12, 2016 annual meeting. Approved unanimously.

3.  Treasurer reported-  D.Bird reported that the treasury balance was $$2,273.32.

4. Honorary Board Members- Motion by B.Swan; seconded by M.Morich to recommend at the next Annual Meeting to add three individual who have served TIAR in an extraordinary manner as additional Honorary Board Members:  Paul Brayer, Gail Mott and Marilyn Wienk.  Approved unanimously.

5. Workshop Retreat-  The remainder of the afternoon and evening was devoted to a workshop/retreat (including a potluck supper, all of which ended about 8:00 PM

The next Board Meeting will be Thursday, October 20, 2016 at 4:00 PM at the Covenant United Methodist Church (Culver at Parsells).

TIAR June 12, 2016 - Annual Meeting

+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+
Minutes of the Annual Celebration and meeting
June 12, 2016
Held at the Nazareth College Shults Center
Annual Meeting

1. Attending: Members and board members attending constituted a quorum.
2. Welcome- by Becky Elwell, President.
3. Reflection- by Heide Parreño.
4. Program- Panel discussion: “Welcoming The Stranger In Our Midst:” A panel Addressing Our Broken Immigration System; panelists, Carly Fox, Lisa Hoyt, Rev. Chava Redonnet. (In addition, a farm worker appeared as part of the panel.)
5. Annual Report - by Becky Elwell, President was distributed. (to be sent as a separate e-mail and will be posted on the TIAR web site, www.tiar.org
6. Treasurer’s Report- by D.Bird, Treasurer; distributed.
7. Nominating Committee Report and Election of Officers and Board Members- by Martha Howden, distributed in writing, on behalf of the nominating committee, the slate of Board Members and Officers . She then read, on behalf of the nominating committee, the slate of Board Members and officers. She moved; G.Wethers seconded the acceptance of the nominating committee’s report and the election of the board members and officers as reported. As the
result of the recommendation of Dr. Jay Mruthyunjaya by the nominating committee after their report was distributed, M.Howden moved the nomination of Dr. Jay Mruthyunjaya as a nomination from the floor. J.Noronha seconded. There were no other nominations from the floor The motions were approved unanimously. (See also Nominating Committee report )

The next Board meeting will be held at a date and place to be announced by separate e-mail notice. The next Executive Committee Meeting will be held on Tuesday July 5, 2016 at 8:00 AM (one-half hour earlier than usual) at the Golden Fox Restaurant at Culver Rd. and Parsells Avenue across the street from Covenant United Methodist Church.

TIAR May 19, 2016

+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+

May 19, 2016
Held at Covenant United Methodist Church
Board Meeting Minutes

Attending: D. Barnes, D.Bird, A.Cason, B.Elwell, G.L’Esperance , R.Herman, M.Howden, E.Johnson, M.Morich, J.Noronha, H.Parreño, W.Spilly, G.Strothers, B.Swan and G.Wethers,

1. Opening Reflection-    By M.Morich.   

2. Minutes:  Motion by A.Cason; seconded by H.Parreño to approve the minutes of the 4/21/16 Board meeting.  Approved unanimously.  

3. Speaker- Speaker had to cancel.  

4. Treasurer’s Report- D.Bird reported.  $3,145 current treasury balance.

5. GRCC/Faith in Action Dinner Honoree- Motion by W.Spilly; seconded by M.Morich to endorse the decision of the Executive Committee to designate Peter Peters as the TIAR honoree at the dinner.  Approved unanimously.

6. GRCC/Faith in Action Dinner Book Ad-  Motion by M.Morich; seconded by D.Barnes to endorse the decision of the Executive Committee to take an ad for $125 in the dinner book.  Approved unanimously.

7. Nominating Committee- M.Howden reported.  At present the nominating committee has two individuals to propose:  J.M.Jay and Tabassam Javed.

8. Annual Meeting Committee- G.Wethers reported.   Because notices of the nominees for the board will have gone out later than desired, it was agreed by consensus that the nominations will be made by the nominating committee and as nominations from the floor at the annual meeting, June 12, 2016.

9. Retreat- B.Ellwell has appointed the following as members of the Retreat Planning Committee: P.Peters, B.Elwell, R.Herman and G.Wethers.

10. RocActs- B.Elwell reported.  For info., Jon Greenbaum is the organizer, W.Wilkinson, B.Elwell, and G.L’Esperance (on criminal justice task force) are active participants.

11. (Gun Control) An event will take place 6/2/16  under the auspices of UCLM.  Details are planned to be sent via email.

TIAR April 21, 2016

+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+

April 21, 2016
Held at Covenant United Methodist Church
Board Meeting Minutes

Attending: D.Bird, B.Elwell, G.L’Esperance, C.Garman, R.Herman, M.Howden,  E.Johnson, M.Morich, J.Noronha, , H.Parreño, P.Peters, W.Spilly, B.Swan, and G.Wethers., Guests-  Dr. Melody Cofield and Beverly Randall

1. Opening Reflection-    By G.Wethers.   

2. Minutes:  Motion by W.Spilly; seconded by H.Parreño to approve the minutes of the 2/18/16 Board meeting.  Approved unanimously.  Motion by W.Spilly; seconded by M.Howden to approve the minutes of the 3/17/16 Board meeting.  Approved unanimously.

3. Speaker- Dr. Melody Cofield, President, Community Microenterprise Center- “Legacy of ’64”  Effects of the 1964 Rochester Riots and a presentation about the Rippley Hall of Fame.

4. Treasurer’s Report- D.Bird reported.  $3,339.86 current treasury balance.

5. REACH- P.Peters reported- The REACH house has closed.  

6. Membership- M.Morich reported. Current roster of members: 122; 94 paid. The names of the members, without addresses, email addresses, or phone numbers (to protect privacy) have been distributed to the board members.

7. Nominating Committee- M.Howden reported.  At present the nominating committee has one individual to propose.

8. Annual Meeting Committee- G.Wethers reported.  There will be a panel of 3 speakers, Ruth Marchetti, Rev Chava Redonnet  Loret Steinberg followed by questions.  A dinner @ $25 per person At Monroe’s (Restaurant) to which board members and TIAR members will be invited.  

9. Retreat- B.Ellwell proposed the concept of a board retreat for long range planning possibly to be held on a morning or at an extended board meeting in September 1016.  She will appoint a committee to explore the possibilities with a goal to report at the May 3, 2016 Executive Committee meeting.

10. Climate Change- M.Morich reported.  She pointed out the 4 pieces of legislation presently pending in the state legislature.  She distributed form letters so we can support those bills by writing to our respective State Senators and Assembly people.

11. RCRGL- (Gun Control)  The next event will be 5/19/16 at 3rd Presbyterian Church (Meigs & East Ave.).

TIAR February 18, 2016

                                     TIAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES
                                               February 18, 2016
                                     Covenant United Methodist Church

Present: Dayle Bird, Alomoa Cason, Becky Elwell, Caroline Garman, Trish Goodman, Gratia L’Esperance, Elaine Johnson, Neil Jaschik, Heide Parreno, William Spilly, Gil Strother, Barry Swan, Gordon Webster, Gaynelle Wethers, George Payne.
Guest:  Rashid Muhammed

Reflection -  Gaynelle Wethers

Speaker - Rashid Muhammed -  ISLAMOPHOBIA  - Islam is a monolithic religion with diverse Muslim  groups.  The same biases from others toward them as other groups.  Same Hate but different target.

Treasurer Report - Dayle Bird

  • Donation $50 to Rochester American Indian Culture Center in honor of Virginia Fifield for speaking to us about The American Indian 
  • Donation$100 to Global Citizenship Conference

RocACTS is to have a Board Retreat at the Dugan Center at St. Mary’s

Melody Cofield to be asked to speak  on “History of Rochester Riots of 1964” by Heide Parreno

Neil Jaschik informed us that a Gun Violence Forum on April 14, 2016.  David Tenet to speak on the Second Amendment. Work to form a coalition continues.

Sr Gratia:  Voter Alliance Voter Registration volunteer training to be on May 10 at the Center of Disability Rights on State Street

Annual Meeting June 12, 2016 at the Shults Center on Nazareth Campus 3:00pm.
Topic to be determined.

TIAR March 17, 2016

+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+

March 17, 2016 Board Meeting

Attending: R.Herman, D.Bird, A.Cason, N.Jaschik, B.Elwell, M.Howden,  P.Peters, D.Barnes, E.Lemon, H.Parreño,W.Spilly, B.Swan,W.Wilkinson, G.Strothers and G.L’Esperance ; Guest-  Jim Morris
1. Opening Reflection-    By A.Cason.   

2. Minutes:  The minutes of the February 18, 2016 board meeting have yet to be distributed.

3. Speaker- Jim Morris, Director of the Refugee, Immigration and Language Services Department of Catholic Family Center of Rochester, NY- Presentation on refugees, as distinguished from other immigrants, non-immigrants and undocumented individuals under US Immigration Law; how refugees are processed and an overview of refugee services in Rochester.

4. Rochester Voters Alliance- G.L’Esperance and H Parreño reported.There is a need for volunteers to do the registration.  Calls have gone out to Faith in Action among others.

5. REACH- P.Peters reported-  The REACH house will close @ 4/19//16.  24 have been placed in permanent housing.  The $50,000 promised by the City has not been received.  The new building via The House of Mercy will not be ready for several months.

6. RochACTS- B.Elwell reported.

7. April Speaker’ Topic- The Legacy of the 1964 riots.

TIAR January 21, 2016


+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+

January 21, 2016 Board Meeting

Held at Covenant United Methodist Church


Attending: R.Herman, M.Morich, D.Bird, A.Cason, B.Swan, N.Jaschik, J.Noronha, B.Elwell, M.Howden, E.Johnson, P.Peters, C.Garman, G.Wethers, D.Barnes, P.Goodman, M.Hickey, V.Fifield and G.L’Esperance ; Guest- Paul Gongloff

1. Opening Reflection- By N.Jaschik.

2. Minutes: Motion by P.Peters; seconded by C.Garman to approve the minutes of the December 17, 2015 minutes; approved unanimously.

3. Speaker- Virginia Fifield- Topic:”The Invisible Race” - Presentation on the history and treatment of Native Americans.

4. Treasurer’s Report; D.Bird presented the annual financial report and the future budget (both previously distributed by email. Motion by P.Peters; seconded by V.Fifield to accept the financial report; approved unanimously.  Motion by E.Johnson; seconded by A.Cason to accept the future budget; approved unanimously.

5. Speakers for Future Board Meetings - A discussion took place with recommendations.

6. REACH- P.Peters reported- the house is full and they are seeking additional space.

7. RocACTS- B.Elwell reported.

8. Children’s Agenda- E.Johnson reported.

9. Annual Meeting- G.Wethers reported. The committee is likely to recommend amending the bylaws at the June Annual meeting to permit the meeting to be scheduled at times other than in the spring.

TIAR December 17, 2015

+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+

Board Meeting of December 17, 2015

Attending: R.Herman, M.Morich, D.Bird, A.Cason, B.Swan, N.Jaschik, J.Noronha, B.Elwell, M.Howden, E.Johnson, P.Peters, C.Garman, H.Parreño, G.Wethers, D.Barnes, P.Goodman, G.Strothers and G.L’Esperance ; Guest- John Jay Mruthyunjaya

1. Opening Reflection- By M.Howden.

2. Minutes: Motion by G.Strothers; seconded by M.Morich to approve the minutes of the September 17, October 15 and November 19, 2015 minutes; approved unanimously.

3. Covenant United Methodist Church- Motion by G.Wethers; seconded by M.Morich to donate $300 to the capital campaign of Covenant United Methodist Church which hosts our board meetings without charge. Approved unanimously.

4. Bright Horizons Fund of the Community Foundation; Gift from- TIAR was awarded $250 for social justice work. President Elwell appointed D.Bird, P.Goodman and herself as a committee to discuss and report back with a recommendation for the expenditure of that amount for social justice purposes.

5. RocActs- B.Elwell distributed a written report.

6. REACH- H.Parreño and P.Peters reported: REACH still raising funds for the homeless shelter. Donations can be made online through REACH or via mail through Canandaigua National Bank.

7. Anti-gun violence program- N.Jaschik reported Film 1/19/16 at Little and possible program in early April 2016.

8. Support of Muslim Community- B.Elwell sent a letter written by E.Johnson to the editor to the D&C.

9. Other Reports:

A.Burial Committee- G.L’Esperance St. Michaels is building caskets at a far lower cost.

B.Childrens Agenda- EJohnson reported.

C.Economic Justice- J.Noronha reported

D.Environment- M.Morich- working with RCause & Rochester People’s Climate Coalition.

E.Immigration- H.Parreño reported

F.Membership- M.Morich reported. Letters sent out. Currently 122 plus 6 honoree, 5 institutional; total 133 members.

G.Nominating- M.Howden reported.

H.Peace and non violence- H.Parreño reported.

I.Annual Meeting- G.Wethers reported. Scheduled for 6/12/16 at 3PM at the Shults Center at Nazareth. We should be considering other dates and places for future meeting and any necessary bylaws amendment to permit this.

TIAR November 19, 2015

+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+

November 19, 2015
Held at Covenant United Methodist Church
Board Meeting

Attending: R.Herman, M.Morich, D.Bird, A.Cason, B.Swan, N.Jaschik, J.Noronha, B.Elwell, M.Howden, E.Johnson, P.Peters, C.Garman,  H.Parreño, W.Wilkinson, G.Wethers, E.Lemon and G.L’Esperance ; Guest-  Mira Washington- President of State Church Women United   

1. Opening Reflection-    By A.Cason.   

2. Roc/ACTS (Rochester Alliance of Communities Transforming Society, Inc.)-  Detailed presentation by W.Wilkinson Motion by G.Wethers; seconded by H.Parreño to  join Roc/Acts with our annual dues of $300.  Approved unanimously.  

3. REACH-  P.Peters reported.  Motion by R.Herman; seconded by E.Johnson to contribute $500 since this is a one time emergency for the homeless.  Approved unanimously.

4. Gun Violence Forum- N.Jaschik reported.  There will be a film 1/19/16 at the Little Theatre.

5. Poverty- M.Morich reported on her experience at a poverty simulation.

6. Human Rights Day- 12/10/15 Topic: Food Justice-  Motion by H.Parreño; seconded by M.Morich to cosponsor and contribute $50.  Approved unanimously.

7. Syrian Refugees- Motion by R.Herman; seconded by M.Howden for President Elwell to write Senator Schumer opposing his position unreasonably restricting immigration by Syrian refugees and writing Governor Cuomo and Mayor Warren praising their positions.  Approved unanimously.

8. Membership-  M.Morich reported on what has been done.  She requested that each board member send her ideas to obtain new TIAR members.

TIAR October 17, 2015

Board Meeting, October 17, 2015
Held at Covenant United Methodist Church
Attending: D. Bird, B. Elwell, P. Goodman, M. Howden, N. Jaschik, E. Johnson, G. L’Esperance,
M. Morich, H. Parreño, P. Peters, G. Strothers, G. Wethers (not a quorum)
Guests: Rev. Katya, Rev. Delores V. Wynn

1.Opening Reflection - G. Wethers shared a passage from Pope Francis’ Joy of the Gospel.

2. Minutes – Approval postponed to November because some did not receive them.

3 Membership Report - M. Morich has made calls. After membership mailing goes out, those who have not responded in the last two years will be dropped from the list

4. Treasurer’s Report- D. Bird, Treasurer, made an oral report. The treasury balance as of October 15, 2015 is $4285.30.

5. Speaker - B. Elwell reported that Verdis Robinson of Monroe Community College was sick and unable to come. The topic was to have been “Race, Culture, Economic Class Implications on Living in Rochester.” Board members then shared their experiences and opinions.
- The largest increase in income has gone to the 1%.
- How do people on Social Security alone survive?
- High poverty statistics for single mothers

6. Annual Meeting – Planning Committee includes P. Goodman, G. L’Esperance, G. Wethers; ex officio B. Elwell; others welcome! Please contact committee members to offer suggestions for topic and speaker.

7. Homeless – (B. Elwell, E. Johnson, H. Parreño, P. Peters) Peter noted that three weeks ago, 100
people attended a meeting regarding shelter for people who are homeless, especially those who have been sanctioned. A possible interim space is being looked at since the House of Mercy project will not be ready until spring 2016. Need to make a pitch to both city and county for more money ($50 K each). The cost last year was about $150 K.

8. Moral Budget – Efforts regarding the Monroe County budget:

  • Child Care / Early Education: the county budget has been reduced for child care, counting on the state to increase funding
  • Homelessness: the county has not dealt with this issue well at all. A group called REACH formed when Sanctuary Village was moved from under the bridge. Need for advocacy with legislators. However, P. Peters stated that messages by phone or letter are screened by the office of the county Republican Party members, so they do not always see them. If true, the party should be challenged. Who are our allies in addressing systems? E.g., among others:
    • Rochester ACTS
    • Children’s Agenda
    • Metro Justice,
    • Anti-Poverty Task Force,()

9. Constitutional Convention - N. Jaschik mentioned a forum on Monday, Oct. 19, 700 pm, at Asbury Church sponsored by the League of Women Voters. Focus: information on what will happen if voters approve having a state convention in 2017 (such an opportunity comes only every 20 years). For more details, use this link: http://www.lwv-rma.org/

10. Gun Control - N. Jaschik proposed forming a committee to organize a program about gun control:

  • What would this entail?
  • How to be respectful of the Second Amendment?
  • What would it accomplish?

Motion by N. Jaschik; seconded by E. Johnson; approved unanimously. Members who are interested, please contact Neil.

11. Recommendations by Executive Committee (to be approved in November when there is a quorum):

  • Honorarium to the Children’s Agenda for Brigid Hurley’s presentation in September: Amount: $50.00.
  • Donation to the Capital Campaign for building repairs by Covenant United Methodist Church, which has hosted our meetings since the beginning without charging rent. Amount: $200.00.
  • Co-Sponsorship of Human Rights Day celebration December 10: Amount: $50.00.

Note: Themes for our 2015-2016 meetings, as suggested in previous minutes: 

  • Child Care
  • Climate Change
  • Economic, Class, and Race Relations.

Reminders: The TIAR mailing address is PO Box 25245, Rochester, NY 14625. The new (current) TIAR web site is www.tiar.org. All are welcome to attend:

  • the next Executive Committee meeting on Tuesday November 3, 2015, 8:30 AM, at the Golden Fox Restaurant, located on Culver Road across the street from Covenant United Methodist Church.
  • the Board Meeting on November 20, 2015, 4:00 PM at the Covenant United Methodist Church (Culver at Parsells).

Respectfully submitted:
M. Gratia L’Esperance, RSM

TIAR September 17, 2015

+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+
September 17, 2015
Held at Covenant United Methodist Church

Board Meeting

Attending: R.Herman, M.Morich, D.Bird, A.Cason, B.Swan, N.Jaschik,
J.Noronha, B.Elwell, M.Howden, E.Johnson, P.Peters,P.Goodman, C.Garman,
V.Fifield, H.Parreño, W.Wilkinson, G.Wethers and G.L’Esperance ; Guest- Brigit
Hurley- Policy Analyst for the Children’s Agenda

1. Meet and Greet- for the first board meeting of 2015-2016.

2. Opening Reflection- By G.Wethers.

3. Minutes- Motion by H.Parreño; seconded by G.Wethers to approve the May 21, 2015 Meeting minutes. Approved unanimously; Motion by A.Cason; seconded by G.L’Esperance to approve the minutes of the June 14, 2015 Annual Meeting as corrected to reflect that C.Garman reported for Nominating Committee Committee Chair, M.Howden. Approved unanimously.

4. Speaker- Brigit Hurley presented information about the Children’s Agenda including about the Children’s Interfaith Weekend, 10/17 & 18/15.

4. Children’s Agenda- Motion by E.Johnson; seconded by M.Morich to
support and sign on the the Children’s Sabbath for 2015 as we did in 2014. Approved unanimously.

5. Treasurers Report- D.Bird, Treasurer, made an oral report. The treasury balance as ofSeptember 17, 2015 is $4,253.39.

6. Committee Chairs- Voters Registration-H.Parreño and G.L’Esperance; Immigration and Peace and NonViolence- H.Parreño and M.Wienk; Healthcare-J.Noronha; Economic Justice-J.Noronha and P.Goodman; Environment and Membership-M.Morich; Fair Election Practices-N.Jaschik and R.Herman; Local & State Government Activities andCampaign Finance Reform-N.Jaschik; Political Communications-P.Peters.

7. Themes for 2015-2016 from B.Elwell- Childcare; Climate Change;
Economic Class and Race Relations.

8. Mailing Address- Reminders: The TIAR mailing address is PO Box 25245, Rochester, NY 14625. The new (current) TIAR web site is www.tiar.org .The next Executive Committee meeting will be Tuesday October 6, 2015 at 8:30 AM at the Golden Fox Restaurant, located on Culver Road across the street from Covenant United Methodist Church.The Board Meeting will be October 15, 2015 at 4:00 PM at the Covenant
United Methodist Church (Culver at Parsells). the end of these minutes)



TIAR June 14, 2015

Minutes of the Annual Celebration and meeting

June 14, 2015

Held at the Nazareth College Shults Center


1. Attending: Members and board members attending constituted a quorum.

2. Welcome- by Becky Elwell, President.

3. Reflection- by The Re. Aloma Cason

4. Speaker- James F. Lawrence, retired Editor of the Democrat & Chronicle Editorial page; Topic: “Are We Working Our Faith?”

5. President’s Report - by Becky Elwell, President was distributed. (to be sent as a separate e-mail and will be posted on the TIAR web site, www.tiaroch.org )

6. Treasurer’s Report- by D.Bird, Treasurer; distributed.

7. Nominating Committee Report and Election of Officers and Board Members- Carolyne Garman, chair, distributed in writing, on behalf of the nominating committee, the slate of Board Members and Officers . She then read, on behalf of the nominating committee, the slate of Board Members and officers. She moved; R.Herman seconded the acceptance of the nominating committee’s report and the election of the board members and officers as reported. There were no nominations from the floor. The motion was approved unanimously. (See Nominating Committee report )

TIAR April 16, 2015

April 16, 2015

Held at Covenant United Methodist Church

Board Meeting

Attending: D.Barnes, R.Herman, M.Morich, D.Bird, B.Swan, N.Jaschik, G.Strother, J.Noronha, H.Parreño, G.Mott, M.Wienk, G.Garman and G.L’Esperance ; Guest- Emily McNeil, Organizer with the Labor Religion Coalition based in Albany

1. Opening Reflection- By G.Mott.

2. Minutes- Motion by H.Parreño ; seconded by D.Barnes to approve the March 19, 2015 Meeting minutes. Approved unanimously.

3. Goodwill GoodGuides Program- Motion by R.Herman; seconded by H.Parreño to recommend this program to our membership for them to review this one on one mentoring program and have the opportunity to volunteer. Approved unanimously.

4. Executive Committee Action- Motion by G.Mott; seconded by C.Garman to endorse the Executive Committee decision to send a $150 honorarium to Metro Justice in appreciation of the 3 sessions on racism which the presented to the board. Approved unanimously.

5. Treasurers Report- D.Bird, Treasurer, made an oral report. The treasury balance as of April 16, 2015 is $4,925.46.

6. Religious Freedom Restoration Act Motion- Motion by G.Strother; seconded by G.L’Esperance to authorize submission of a letter drafted by J.Noronha to the editor (D&C). The letter commented on the intent of the Indiana legislature. Approved unanimously.

7. Raise the Age- Motion by R.Herman; seconded by N.Jaschik to authorize the TIAR president to send letters to appropriate local state legislators in support of raising the age to allow older youths to be referred to Family Court rather than to the adult criminal justice courts. Approved unanimously.

8. Racial Dialogue- Verdis Robinson, a professor at MCC, will speak to us at the May 21,2015 Board meeting

9. Moral Mondays and the Labor Religion Coalition- Emily McNeil, organizer spoke to us and answered questions.

10. Reports- M.Morich reported on Membership; G.L’Esperance reported on the Annual Meeting/Event;

11. Mailing Address- Reminders: The TIAR mailing address is PO Box 25245, Rochester, NY 14625. The new (current) TIAR web site is www.tiar.org .

The next Executive Committee meeting will be Tuesday May 5, 2015 at 830 AM at the Golden Fox Restaurant, located on Culver Road across the street from Covenant United Methodist Church.

The next Board meeting will be May 21 2015 at 4 PM at Covenant United Methodist Church, (Culver at Parsells).

( the end of these minutes)

TIAR March 19, 2015

Board Meeting Minutes

March 19 , 2015


Attending: R.Herman, M.Morich, E.Lemon, A.Cason, D.Bird, B.Swan, W.Spilly,

H.Parreño, G.Mott, M.Howden, G.Garman, B.Elwell, G.Payne,

G.Strother,M.Wienk and G.L’Esperance ; Guests- Jon Greenbaum and Tracy Farmer

1. Opening Reflection- By M.Morich.

2. Minutes- Motion by M.Howden; seconded by M.Hickey to approve the February 19, 2015 Board Meeting minutes. Approved unanimously.

3. Rochester People’s Climate Coalition- M.by M.Morich; seconded by M.Wienk to join this coalition. Approved unanimously.

4. Executive Committee Action- Motion by H.Parreño; seconded by A.Cason to endorse and approve the Executive Committee’s decision to contribute $100 to the Global Citizenship Conference held on 3/10/15.

5. League of Women Voters Educational Program about a NYS Constitutional Convention- Motion by R.Herman; seconded by G.Mott to cosponsor this event which is educational and which does not take a position. Approved unanimously.

6. Treasurers Report- D.Bird, Treasurer, distributed the 2015 budget.

7. Racial Dialog- Jon Greenbaum and Tracy Farmer led part 3 of a 3 part program. At the end they recommended that we view each of our programs through a “Racial Justice Lens.” This should be a criteria we should apply in determining the programs we undertake.

8. NYSPrevention-Justice- (No solitary confinement)- Question of TIAR participating on 4/22/15 in front of the jail or J.Morelle’s office referred to Executive Committee.

9. Fight For $15- Program initiated by MetroJustice. There will be a demonstration on 4/22/15 at 5 PM beginning at the Eastman Quad at the University of Rochester followed by a walk/march to a McDonalds on Mt.Hope Ave. near Elmwood Ave. Moderately should be forthcoming.

10. Mailing Address- Reminders: The TIAR mailing address is PO Box 25245, Rochester, NY 14625. The new (current) TIAR web site is www.tiar.org .

The next Executive Committee meeting will be Tuesday April 7, 2015 at 830 AM at the Golden Fox Restaurant, located on Culver Road across the street from Covenant United Methodist Church. The next Board meeting will be April 16, 2015 at 4 PM at Covenant United Methodist Church, (Culver at Parsells).

( the end of these minutes)

TIAR February 19, 2015

Board Meeting Minutes

February 19, 2015

At Covenant United Methodist Church


Attending: D. Bird, B. Elwell, P. Goodman, M. Howden, N. Jaschik, G. L'Esperance, G. Mott, H. Parreño, P. Peters, G. Strother, B. Swan

Guest Presenters from MetroJustice: Jon Greenbaum and Tracy Farmer

1. Opening Reflection: A moment of silence was held for the Muslim students killed in North Carolina

2. Annual Budget: Dayle presented the proposed 2015 TIAR Budget; it was accepted unanimously.

3. Presentation: The sheets from the January session were reviewed and a general discussion of how to organize our thoughts to get to a plan of action ensued.  Various institutions and current programs dealing with racism were identified.  We are requested to listen to two podcasts of “This American Life” and to take the Implicit Bias Exercise in preparation for the March discussion.  Specific directions on the relevant web sites will be sent to all Board members in the near future.

4. Organization Business:

- Pachamama Expense: Gail moved and Peter seconded authorizing Becky to contribute printing for the forthcoming April 19 program.  Approved unanimously.

- Donation to Sanctuary Village: Peter moved and Trish seconded to authorize a $100 donation to Sister Grace – House of Mercy for this project.  Approved unanimously.

5. Announcements:

- Information on the Moral Mondays program of the NYS Religion-Labor Coalition will be provided later

- Local fast food workers that are part of Fight for $15 movement are joining forces with members of the #BlackLivesMatter movement, calling for action in solidarity with the fired workers. Workers and community members will be holding a rally and delivering petitions from local supporters to McDonalds management at 3300 Monroe Ave, 5:00pm on Friday the 27th.

Executive Committee Meeting: Tuesday, March 3, 2015, at the Golden Fox Restaurant, located on Culver Road across the street from Covenant United Methodist Church.

- TIAR Board Meeting: March 19, 2015 at 4 PM at Covenant United Methodist Church, (Culver at Parsells)

- TIAR Annual Celebration: Sunday, June 14, 2015 at 3:00 PM at the Shults Center at Nazareth College. Our speaker will be James Lawrence, former opinion editor of the Democrat & Chronicle; topic to be determined. All members are encouraged to attend and bring a friend.

TIAR January 15, 2015

Board Meeting
January 15, 2015
Held at Covenant United Methodist Church

Attending: D. Barnes, D. Bird, A. Cason, B. Elwell, C. Garman, P. Goodman, M. Hickey, M. Howden, N. Jaschik, G. L'Esperance, M. Morich, G. Mott, H. Parreño, G. Payne, P. Peters, W. Spilly, G. Strother, B. Swan, G. Wethers, D. White, M. Wienk
Guest Presenters from MetroJustice: Jon Greenbaum and Tracy Farmer

1. Opening Reflection: Read by M. Howden, from the Buddhist Peace Fellowship.
2. Minutes: Approved unanimously.
3. Presentation: (see below).
4. Organization Business:
- Treasurer’s Report: D. Bird distributed the financial report. Even though there is somewhat of a “cushion,” after discussion it was pointed out that if we plan a forum, that money may be needed.
- Wage letter: copies addressed to the Acting Commissioner of the State Department of Labor were distributed in support of the campaign for a $15 minimum wage.
- NYS Single-Payer packets requesting support for Assembly Bill 5389 and Senate Bill 2078: were distributed including the following letters for members to mail:
 Thank-you letter to Assembly Members Gantt and Bronson who have co-sponsored the Assembly bill (for those persons who are in their respective districts).
 Letter to remaining Assembly Members who have not co-sponsored, asking them to do so. If you are NOT represented by Gantt or Bronson, please send this letter.
 Letter to your Senator asking for co-sponsorship of the Senate bill.
 Letter to the Governor requesting support for passage of the New York State Single-Payer Health Plan. Also:
Chart listing addresses of all local lawmakers. If you do not know who your legislators are, go to http://www.nysenate.gov/ and http://assembly.state.ny.us/. The home pages help you find your Senator and Assembly Member.
Please print your name and sign the letters, giving your address and zip. That way staff people opening your letters can verify that you are a resident of the district and state.
4. Organization Business (continued):
- M. Hickey distributed flyers from the N Y Disability Voters Network.
- G. Mott reported on the temporary two-week housing provided by Downtown Presbyterian Church for those who are homeless. All is proceeding in an orderly fashion. Sr. Grace has been working with Ken Glazer of Buckingham Properties to get his Canal Street building ready. Volunteer drivers are needed mornings at 7:30 to take people to Asbury Church or St. Joseph’s House of Hospitality.
5. MetroJustice Presentation
Jon Greenbaum and Tracy Farmer began with a sharing exercise in which we stood in two lines facing one another and shared for one minute each about our first experience of racism. Then one line moved down and the exercise continued with a different partner and question.
This gave us a chance to share our feelings and experiences and hear them from others, hoping for a greater understanding of white privilege. Also expressed was in the general discussion was the hope that the Board of TIAR could become more of a community.
Topics included the term “cultural humility:” whites often lack awareness and don’t have to think about this; understanding racism as both individually internalized and systemic: institutions working together with culture and media, creating interconnections (e.g., among banks, housing, courts, education) that structure policies and programs that maintain white privilege.
6. Announcements:
- The League of Women Voters of New York City will offer advocacy training by Bolder Advocacy – let B. Elwell know if you are interested.
- Pachamama Alliance: B. Elwell met with Joyce Herman and others to plan another seminar for Wednesday, March 18 at 2 pm at the Hickey Center.
7. Reminders:
- Mailing Address: The TIAR mailing address is PO Box 25245, Rochester, NY 14625.
- All members are welcome to any meeting:
- Executive Committee meeting: Tuesday, February 3, 2015, at the Golden Fox Restaurant, located on Culver Road across the street from Covenant United Methodist Church.
- TIAR Board meeting: February 19, 2015 at 4 PM at Covenant United Methodist Church, (Culver at Parsells)
- TIAR Annual Celebration: Sunday, June 14, 2015 at 3:00 PM at the Shults Center at Nazareth College. Our speaker will be James Lawrence, former opinion editor of the Democrat & Chronicle; topic to be determined. All members are encouraged to attend and bring a friend.
(end of these minutes)

TIAR December 18, 2014

+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+

December 18, 2014 Board Meeting Minutes


Attending: D.Bird, A.Cason, B.Elwell, G.L’Esperance, G.Garman, P.Goodman, R.Herman, M.Hickey, M.Howden, E.Johnson, M.Morich, J.Noronha, H.Parreño, G.Payne, P.Peters, B.Swan, G.Wethers, D.White, M.Wienk and W.Wilkinson  

1. Opening Reflection-  By E.Johnson.   

2. Minutes- Motion by H.Parreño; seconded by E.Johnson to approve the November 20, 2014 Board Meeting minutes.  Approved unanimously.
3. Treasurer’s Report-
By D. Bird;current balance -  $3.826.58.

4. Gandhi Earth Keepers International-  Presentation by George Payne -Executive Director of this  organization for the protection of animals. (Environmental Justice through active nonviolence)

5. Pachamama Alliance- Motion by R.Herman; seconded by G.Wethers for TIAR to co-sponsor an “Awakening the Dreamer,Changing the Dream Symposium” with other interfaith groups ( e.g.Interfaith Forum of Rochester, Center for Spirituality at Nazareth College, Hickey Center for Interfaith Study and Dialogue ).  Co-sponsorship would include helping to provide a venue and hospitality, promoting the event through media (traditional and social) to TIAR members and to the general public and encouraging TIAR members to promote the symposium in their own congregations and denominational entities. Approved 19 in favor; none opposed; one abstention.

6. Endorsement of the Executive Committee decision to co-sponsor the New Yorkers Against Fracking Event in Albany, NY on 1/7/15- Motion to endorse by M.Morich; seconded by M.Hickey.  Approved unanimously.  Although Fracking has been banned in New York State a number of related issues remain.  M.Morich will distribute more detailed information by e-mail.

7. Issues Raised by the Ferguson, MO events as further set forth by Unite Rochester-  Motion by M.Wienk; seconded by M Hickey for the TIAR board to have an @ 30 to 45 minute facilitated conversation about these issues at our January 15, 2015 Board meeting.  Approved unanimously.

8. Living Wage- B.Elwell reported. A letter in support will be  sent to the Governor,  and the leaders of the Senate and Assembly. (Fight for $15, right to unionize and rights to benefits)

9. Police Reform Coalition- W.Wilkinson reported.

10. Boulder Advocacy 1/2015- No Keystone XL.

11. NYS Labor-Religion Coalition- B.Elwell reported.

12. Annual Meeting- G.L’Esperance reported.  Speaker will be James Lawrence.  Topic still open. Date will be  Sunday, June 14, 2015, at 3 PM at the Shults Center.

TIAR November 20, 2014

+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+

November 20, 2014 Board Meeting  Minutes

Attending: D.Bird, B.Elwell, G.L’Esperance, P.Goodman, R.Herman, M.Hickey, M.Howden, H.Ibrahim, N.Jaschik, E.Johnson, E.Lemon, M.Morich, G.Mott, J.Noronha, H.Parreño,  P.Peters, G.Strother, B.Swan, and M.Wienk; Guests- Joyce Herman and Sue Staropoli.  

1. Opening Reflection-    By J.Noronha.   

2. Minutes- Motion by G.Mott; seconded by P.Peters to approve the October 16, 2014 Board Meeting minutes.  Approved unanimously.   

3.  Pachamama Alliance- Joyce Herman and Sue Staropoli made a presentation on behalf of the Pachamama Alliance (PA) (www.pachamama.org <
http://www.pachamama.org> ).  This is an international organization with local teams including the Rochester team.  It is dedicated to motivating people to bring forth a human presence on the earth that is environmentally sustainable, socially just and spiritually fulfilling.  They presented a short video :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoXJZ_3-J9w  followed by a presentation and question session.  An interactive multi-media session that is the gateway to the Pachamama work will be held on December 7 from noon (registration at 11:30) to 5:30 p.m. sponsored by the Sufi Order of Rochester at the Carriage House behind 494 East Avenue. To sign up for this symposium, call 248-0427.  A second session will take place on January 11 from 1-5 PM at Temple Sinai (to register, call Joyce Herman at 385-1155). All programs are free.
The local PA welcomes TIAR to join in co-sponsoring future programs, as well as to encourage TIAR members to host programs at their own congregations or other organizations.

4. Membership-  M.Morich, chair reported.  TIAR currently lists 153 members.  Forms to rejoin have been mailed.

5. Treasurers Report- D.Bird, Treasurer, reported a current treasury balance of $3,614.43.

6. Economic Justice- J.Noronha reported.  A public hearing on the health care single payer proposed N.Y. legislation, Gottfried/Perkins bills (A-5389; S-2078) will be held in Rochester on December 8,2014.  The details will be sent to all board members by email.  Activities with Metro Justice continue to work toward a $15 per hour minimum wage.  An event is planned for December 4, 2014. Details to follow by email.

7. Coalition for Police Reform- G.Mott reported that a focus on a civilian review board and body cameras is continuing.    

8. Peace and Nonviolence Coalition — H.Parreño, chair, reported.  There is a program to collect blankets for refugees entering Turkey.

9. Redistricting Amendment - N.Jashik reported.  TIAR is co-sponsoring with the LWV a presentation of both sides of this issue which is on the ballot in November.  Highly respected progressive organizations have differing views on this issue.  The event will be at the Unitarian Church on Winton Rd. on 10/24/14 at 7 PM.

10. Some Actions Taken by the President- B.Elwell reported. Signed the CHIP petition; honorarium check sent to Rev. Lewis Stuart; attended the Redistricting Amendment meeting and the Fight for $15 (minimum wage) meeting at the Universalist Church.