Become a Member / Renew Your Membership
We invite you to join The Interfaith Alliance of Rochester. Nationally The Interfaith Alliance was organized for the purpose of providing a voice in public policy matters for the many millions of Americans, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus and others, who share ethical principles. All of these religious traditions profess similar basic fundamental values. None of them condone hate, exclusion or inequality.
Since the founding of our nation, its voters have looked to religious and political leaders and activists to bring compassion, common sense and conviction to our communities and government. From our founders to Martin Luther King, Jr., Americans have followed the rich traditions of our religious heritage to build a world based on the values that we hold in common.
Downloadable Member Registration Form
(Click on the link above, open in Adobe Reader, print out the form, complete, enclose your check for $15.00 payable to TIAR, and mail to the enclosed address)
Make a Gift
Your contribution is greatly appreciated. Please mail your check to the address below. Thank you for your generous support!