+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+
Board Meeting Minutes
Held at Covenant United Methodist Church
January 16, 2014
Attending: R.Herman, M.Wienk, M.Morich, G.Mott, C.Garman, B.Elwell, N.Jaschik, D.Rice, M.Howden, E.Johnson, W.Spilly, G.L’Esperance, D.Barnes, H.Parreño, G.Strother and P.Meeker ; Guests - George Payne of The Gandhi Institute and Marc
1. Opening Reflection- By C.Garman.
2. Minutes- Motion by H.Parreño ; seconded by D.Rice to approve the December 20, 2013 Board minutes. Approved unanimously.
3. Treasurer’s Report- B.Elwell distributed copies of the 2013 yearend report and interpreted it. Motion by E.Johnson; seconded by P.Meeker to accept the report. Approved unanimously.
4. Poverty Committee, a program to aid some of the homeless in Rochester - G.L’Esperance provided an outline of a project to provide safe shelter for homeless people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol, or both- Motion by M.Howden; seconded by D.Barnes to direct the Poverty Committee, along with such others they recruit ,or are able to form coalitions with, to pursue the feasibility of this program, a copy of which was previously distributed to the board members by email. The program will strive to provide safe shelter for the most unwanted segment of the homeless population. Approved
5. “Season of NonViolence” program of the Gandhi Institute- George Payne presented the details of the program which is a project of the Gandhi Institute and which wants to enlist as many individuals and organizations as possible to join in. More information can be found on the Gandhi Institute web site: www. .
6. Membership Interests Update- N.Jaschik presented that there are currently 9 interest areas and recommended that we add a communications interest area to improve our use of the web, Facebook, twitter etc.
7. Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)- Motion by M.Jaschik; seconded by M.Wienk that TIAR oppose in all possible ways, including letters from the TIAR President, Board Members and members to all relevant members of Congress and others as quickly as possible to oppose fast tracking TPP by Congress. Approved unanimously.
8. Membership Update: P. Meeker presented.