TIAR May 21, 2017


+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+

Minutes of the Annual Celebration and Meeting

Held at the Nazareth College, Golisano Academic Center

May 21, 2017


1. Attending: Members and board members attending constituted a quorum.


2. Welcome- by Becky Elwell, President.


3. Reflection- Virginia Fifield


4. Nominating Committee Report and Election of Officers and Board Members- by Martha Howden, distributed in writing, on behalf of the Nominating Committee, the slate of Board Members and Officers . She then read, on behalf of the nominating committee, the slate of Board Members and officers. M.Howden moved; Sr. Beth LeValley seconded the acceptance of the nominating committee’s report and the election of the board members and officers as reported. There were no other nominations from the floor.  The motions were approved unanimously.


5. Sr. Gratia L’Esperance was honored for her extraordinary service throughout the years which service still continues. She has served president and in more other important roles than it is possible to list.


6. Program- Panel discussion: “Deportation, the Bn and the Wall.”

Panelists: Ted O’Brien, Assistant Attorney-General in the Rochester Regional Office; Getachew (GG) Beshir, Refugee Resettlement Manager, Catholic Family Center and Grania Marcus Ph.D, long time immigration activist.


7. Annual Report - by Becky Elwell, President was distributed.


8. Treasurer’s Report- by D.Bird, Treasurer; distributed.


9. This marked the 20th Anniversary of TIAR. The members of the Initial Steering Committee and the first Board of Directors were listed in the program.