TIAR, October 18, 2018

+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+
Board Meeting Minutes

October 18, 2018

Attending: R.Codding,  R.Davis , B.Elwell  R.Herman, E.Johnson, G.Lawton, M.Morich, , W.Spilly, and B.Swan.    Guest:  Jim Tappon

Vice-President B. Elwell presided in the absence of the President, G.Wethers.
There being one short of a quorum, no business was conducted.

1. Opening Reflection- by R.Codding.   

2. Minutes:  Motion to approve the minutes of the 9/20/18 meeting was deferred to the next meeting.  

3. Speaker-  Jim Tappon; Topic- “What is Carbon Fee and Dividend?”  A request for action will be on the agenda for the November Executive Committee meeting.

4. Membership- M.Morich reported.  27 have not responded to the recent letter sent to members who had not renewed, 7 of whom are board members.  M.Morich plans to follow up.