+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+
Board Meeting Minutes
January 17, 2019
Attending: D.Bird, R.Codding, R.Davis, E.Flagler, R.Herman, M.Howden, E.Johnson, G.Lawton, M.Morich, G.Strother, B.Swan, and G.Wethers.
Guest Member: Nina Goodwin
1. Opening Reflection- by Board members.
2. November 15, 2018 Board Minutes- Motion to approve by R.Codding; seconded by E.Flagler; Approved unanimously.
3. December 20,2018 BoardMinutes- Motion to approve by M.Morich; seconded by E.Johnson; Approved unanimously.
4. Annual Meeting- Motion by R.Herman; seconded by E.Johnson to move the Annual Meeting date , place and time to coincide with the date place and time of the June 20,2019 4 PM Board meeting at Covenant United Methodist Church and that the program would include the opportunity of TIAR members to express and discuss their opinions concerning the future direction for TIAR; seconded by E.Johnson; Approved unanimously.
5. Speaker at February 21, 2019 Board Meeting- Betty Hancock, the newly appointed organizer for ROCACTS.
6. Nominating Committee- G.Lawton reported on the status of her committee.