TIAR October 19, 2017


+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+


Board Meeting Minutes

October 19, 2017



Attending: D.Bird, R.Codding, R.Davis, C.Garman, R.Herman, N.Jaschik, E.Johnson, E.Lemon, M.Morich, G.Strother, and G.Wethers. 


Guest:  Luticha Doucette



1.     Opening Reflection-    By R.Codding.  


2.     Minutes:  Motion by M.Morich; seconded by D.Bird to approve the minutes of the September 28, 2017  Board meeting.  Approved unanimously.  


3.     Treasurer report-  D.Bird  reported that the current treasury balance was $2,848.48.


4.     The following items were reported on:  RocActs Annual Meeting will be 11/2/17 E.Johnson has sent out info.    Environment -  R.Codding, distributed cards yo representatives and Senators for us to fill out.   Greenlight (drivers licenses for noncitizen migrants). R.Davis advised of a training meeting on on legislative strategy11/6/17 630 PM at Unitarian Church.


5.     Information Updates-  TIAR’s opposition to a state Constitutional Convention media releases were sent out.  Urban League representatives met with the Executive Committee on 10/2/17.


6.     Poverty in Rochester-  Luticha Doucette, Research Analyst in the Rochester Mayor’s office addressed poverty in the City especially noting the negative racial and gender disparity.


The next Board Meeting will be Thursday, November 16, 2017 at 4:00 PM at the Covenant United Methodist Church (Culver at Parsells).