+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+
Board Meeting Minutes
September 28, 2017
Attending: D.Bird, A.Cason, R.Codding, R.Davis, B.Elwell, V.Fifield, C.Garman, R.Herman, M.Howden, F.Islam, N.Jaschik, E.Johnson, E.Lemon,Jr. M.Morich, H.Parreño, P.Peters, W.Spilly, G.Strother, B.Swan, and G.Wethers.
1. Opening Reflection- By A.Cason.
2. Minutes: Motion by P.Peters; seconded by M.Howden to approve the minutes of the May 21, 2017 annual meeting. Approved unanimously. Motion by M.Morich; seconded by E.Johnson to approve the minutes of the June 15,2017 Board meeting.
3. Treasurer reported- D.Bird reported that the current treasury balance was $2,753.48.
4. Future Reflections Sign up- A sign up sheet was distributed for volunteers for future Reflections.
5. N.Y. Constitutional Convention position- Motion by N.Jaschik; seconded by H.Parreño for TIAR to express support for the proposed N.Y.State Constitution as it appears on the November ballot. Voted down. Motion by R.Herman; seconded by M.Howden to oppose such convention and to express the opposition publicly. Approved. Referred to Executive Committee to execute the publication of TIAR’s position of opposition.
6. The following items were reported on: Police Accountability- Loretta Scott is expected to raise this issue in City Council. RocActs Annual meeting will be 11/2/17 addressing among other items, per B.Elwell, Police Accountability,Child Care and Wage Equity of Healthcare Workers. REACH, per P.Peters, would like to “flip”houses to provided housing for the homeless. Global Warming, per R.Codding, who will distribute an electric copy of his material; participation by G.Wethers in the FEPC Pledge signing event on 9/7/17. Greenlight (drivers licenses for noncitizen migrants by R.Davis that support of farmers is being sought.
The next Board Meeting will be Thursday, October 19, 2017 at 4:00 PM at the Covenant United Methodist Church (Culver at Parsells).