+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+
Board Meeting Minutes
January 19, 2017
Attending: D.Barnes, D.Bird, A.Cason, B.Elwell, C.Garman, R.Herman, M.Howden, N.Jaschik, E.Johnson, M.Morich, H.Parreño, P.Peters, G.Strother, and G.Wethers. Guest: Pamela Brown Coleman
1. Opening Reflection- By R.Herman.
2. Minutes: Motion by H.Parreño; seconded by M.Howden to approve the minutes of the December 15, 2016 board meeting. Approved unanimously.
3. Treasurer reported- D.Bird presented the Treasurer’s Report for the fiscal yer ending 12/31/16. (This report was previously distributed electronically to the board) Motion by P.Peters; seconded by D.Barnes to accept the report. Approved unanimously. D.Bird presented the budget for fiscal year 1/1/17 through 12/31/17 (The budget was previously distributed electronically to the board) Motion by M.Morich; seconded by H.Parreño to adopt the budget as presented. Approved unanimously.
4. Nominating Committee Report- M.Howden reported. Tabassam Javed will withdraw his resignation (which was to have taken effect 6/30/17) from the board and will continue to serve his full term. The slate of officer nominees for 2017-2918 will be G.Wethers, President; vice- president position is still in process; R.Herman, Secretary; D.Bird, Treasurer. new board members: still in process.
5. REACH Bridge Home - P.Peters reported. The opening of the new shelter has been further delayed and the temporary shelter continues with the social workers volunteering their time. Their position as expressed is that no one will be put out in the cold.
6. Annual Meeting Committee report- G.Wethers reported. A list of possible speakers and topics have been created and pursuit of speakers has begun. At lest two dates have been considered as well as two possible sites for the meeting. The next committee meeting will be 1/27/17.
7. Rochester Coalition to Reduce Gun Violence (RCRGV)- N.Jaschik reported The coalition continues to expand with a focus on education and advocacy.
8. Endorsement of actions taken by the Executive Committee-
A. A letter in support of DACA ( Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) requesting signatures from organizations was, after circulating the request by email and receiving a positive response from board members, signed on behalf of TIAR by the President. Motion by G.Wethers; seconded by A.Cason to endorse the action by the Executive Committee/ Approved Unanimously.
B. Another action relating to our cosponsoring an event which was approved by the Executive Committee requires additional clarification and will be deferred until the 2/16/17 board meeting.
9. Discussion on Building Membership - Transcript of Notes relating to membership, board participation, and recruitment taken by Martha Howden
General membership:
1. Need an active recruiting plan
2. Informal members recruiting members
3. Advertise including, but not limited to church bulletins (as much free as possible)
4. Membership events and open invitation for members to volunteer, participate in particular areas.
5. Communicate to members what we are most passionate about and what we have accomplished
6. Make presentation to Nazareth Young People’s World Religions program re who we re and what we do
7. Phone calls to members re something we are doing and ask for input from the member called “People appreciate being called; do more than 1x per year. We appreciate your being a member; what we are doing, your suggestions; invite active participation from the member in a particular project, etc.
8. Identify and invite young people who want action and let them know about our actions
9. Make people aware that we are the only interfaith organization that is action as well as education oriented.
10. Ask members to recruit their friends and contacts.
11. Follow up is important
12. Form an Outreach/ action; college speakers/forum
13. Hold a tea for members
14. Mugs or pens with TIAR name, etc for presenters guests, and others.
Board membership:
1. Stress we want board members who will both attend meeting and actively participate in planning and projects.
2. Identify and seek out appropriate recent retirees
3. Ask each current board member to function as an active recruiter.