People of Faith Working Together for Justice in Public Policy
February 16, 2017 Board Meeting
Held at Covenant United Methodist Church
Attending: D. Barnes, D. Byrd, B. Elwell, C. Garman, M. Howden, N. Jaschik, G. L’Esperance, M. Morich, H. Parreno, P. Peters, W. Spilly, G. Strother, and B. Swan
Guests: Barbara Lacker-Ware, Ted Forsyth, Roberta Davis, Farzana Islam, Mary Sutton
Introduction: Guests and Board Members introduced themselves.
Reflection: Given by Martha Howden
Minutes: The acceptance of the January minutes were moved and seconded. They were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Dayle Byrd reported a balance of $2, 122.47.
Nominating Committee Report: Martha Howden stated that selecting a slate of new Board Members and Vice-President is still in process. There are some prospects for the Board but they have yet to find a VP candidate. Becky expressed a desire to have the slate completed by the end of March.
Global Citizenship Conference: The Global Citizenship Conference will be held on March 14 from 8:00AM to 1:30PM at the Hickey Center. Becky moved and it was seconded to contribute $100.00 to the Hickey Center. The Board approved the motion.
Annual Meeting: Becky stated that the Annual Meeting may occur on May 18 because our usual June date occurs during Ramadan. The Committee is pursuing the possibility of having as the speaker either the Rev. William Barber of the Moral Majority or Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota, a candidate for chair of the Democratic Party.
Program: Barbara Lacker-Ware and Ted Forsyth presented their findings regarding the current process for investigating citizen complaints about police misconduct. To reform the process, they recommend the creation of an independent Police Accountability Board (CAB). They asked TIAR to endorse their recommendation and write a letter of support to Rochester City Council. Peter Peters moved to endorse the CAB; Dorothy Barnes seconded the motion. The Board approved the motion unanimously.
Becky Elwell adjourned the meeting.
The Next Board Meeting will be Thursday, March 16,2017 at 4:00 PM at the
Covenant United Methodist Church (Culver at Parsells).