+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+
January 18, 2018
Held at Covenant United Methodist Church
Board Meeting
Attending: D.Bird, A.Cason, R.Davis, B.Elwell, C.Garman, R.Herman, M.Howden, N.Jaschik, E.Johnson, M.Morich, H.Parreño, P.Peters, W.Spilly, G.Strother, B.Swan, and G.Wethers.
1. Opening Reflection- By M.Morich.
2. Minutes: Motion by W.Spilly; seconded by B.Swan to approve the minutes of the December 21, 2017 Board meeting. Approved unanimously.
3. Treasurer report- D.Bird reported that the current treasury balance was $2,884.48. She presented the 2017 year end Financial report. Motion by M.Morich; seconded by B.Elwell to accept the report. Approved unanimously
4. Membership- M.Morich reported. Presented a general update.
5. Nominating Committee Report- H.Parrreño reported. Committee met earlier on 1/18/18. Each Board member is requested to suggest potential board members who will be active attendees and participants in the work of the Board. Submit names to H.Parreño. All whose terms were to expire in 2018 have agreed to continue. Additional prospects continue to be considered.
6. Annual Meeting Committee- H.Parreño reported. The annual meeting will be at the JCC ($120 rental for 3 hours on 5/6/18 from 3 to 5 PM . The tentative topic is “Poverty”; the tentative speaker will be Emily McNeil of the NYS Labor-Religion Coalition (both subject to confirmation)
7. Where may TIAR go in 2018 Discussion- This involved each attendee to expresss his or her thoughts. A summary was emailed to the board list on 1/22/18 prior to the distribution of these minutes.
The next Board Meeting will be Thursday, February 15, 2018 at 4:00 PM at the Covenant United Methodist Church (Culver at Parsells).