The Interfaith Alliance of Rochester
+People of Faith Working Together for Justice in Public Policy+
Board Meeting Minutes
February 15, 2018
ATTENDING: Dayle Bird, Roberta Davis, Becky Elwell, Carolyne Garman, Martha Howden, Neil Jaschik, Elaine Johnson, Mary Morich, Heide Parreno, Gil Strother, Gaynelle Wethers. Guest: Pastor Burnice Green Sr.
CALL TO ORDER: Gaynelle called the meeting to order.
REFLECTION: Neil Jaschik gave the reflection.
INTRODUCTIONS: Introductions were exchanged with Pastor Green and he was welcomed. He indicated the top issues for city as he saw them were family, jobs, and healthcare.
APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Motion by Becky Elwell and seconded by Elaine Johnson. The agenda was approved unanimously.
APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Motion by Mary Morich to approve January minutes; seconded by Becky Elwell. The minutes were approved unanimously.
BUDGET/FINANCE REPORT: Dayle reported that as of February 14, the treasury balance was $3009.18. The budget for 2018 was presented and discussed. Motion by Heide Parreno to accept the budget; seconded by Martha Howden. The budget was unanimously approved.
MEMBERSHIP: Mary Morich reported that membership renewals for 2018 were sent out.
NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Heide reported the following potential nominees for the Board: Pastor Burnice Green Sr., Jamie Fazio, Char Guess Bardquess and Rev. David Inglis.
ANNUAL MEETING: The speaker will be Rev. Emily McNeil of the NYS Labor Religion Coalition. There will also be a panel of four to react to her talk. Gaynelle assigned the committee to come up with a budget for the annual meeting.
TIAR MISSION STATEMENT: Neil presented his revision of the mission statement for discussion. The statement is to be approved at the next meeting.
GUN VIOLENCE: Neil led a discussion regarding the status of the coalition. He named several groups that we could join as part of the coalition.
ISSUES FOR 2018: There was a discussion on various issues listed at the January meeting. No priority was determined.
The meeting was adjourned