TIAR May 6, 2018


+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+


Minutes of the Annual Celebration and meeting

May 6, 2018

Held at the Jewish Community Center, 1200 Edgewood Ave.



1.  Attending:  Members and board members attending constituted a quorum.


2.  Welcome- by Gaynelle Wethers, President.


3.  Reflection- Roberta Davis


4.  Nominating Committee Report and Election of Officers and Board Members- by Heide Parreño, distributed in writing, on behalf of the nominating committee, the slate of Board Members and Officers .  She then read, on behalf of the nominating committee, the slate of Board Members and Officers and moved the acceptance of the slate as presented.  Seconded by B.Elwell.  Approved unanimously.  Nominations were called from the floor. Motion by M.Morich; seconded by D.Bird for the nomination and election of Jamie Fazio, Ernest Flagler and Gloria Lawton all to the class of 2020.  Approved unanimously. 


 5.  Program-  “Hope for the Poor and the Vulnerable: Poor People’s Campaign”   Keynote speaker: Rev. Emily McNeill, Executive Director of Labor-Religion Coalition and Co-Founder of the NYS Poor People’s Campaign.   Panel Discussion:  Peter Peters, Moderator; Edward Lemon, Dr. Tabassam Javed, Barry Swan, Gaynelle Wethers (substituting for Sr.Christine Wagner) Panelists.


6.  Annual Report - by Gaynelle Wethers, President was distributed.  (to be sent as a separate e-mail and will be posted on the TIAR web site, www.tiar.org


7.  Treasurer’s Report- by D.Bird, Treasurer;  distributed.