+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+
Board Meeting Minutes
June 21, 2018
Attending: D.Bird. R.Codding, R.Davis, R.Herman, N.Jaschik, E.Johnson, G.Lawton, M.Morich, J.Noronha, H.Parreño, P.Peters, B.Swan, and G.Wethers.
1. Opening Reflection- By R.Codding.
2. Minutes: Motion by B.Swan; seconded by G.Lawton to approve the minutes of the April19, 2018 Board meeting. Approved unanimously.
3. Membership- M.Morich reported: 64 paid members out of 113.
4. Annual Meeting Committee- H.Parreño reported. 38 attended (24 members, 4 guests v. 34 attended in 2017. The next annual meeting is tentatively scheduled for June 9, 2019 at the JCC. G.Wethers announced that Roberta Davis will serve as the Annual Meeting chair for the coming year.
5. Nominating Committee- The chair for the Nominating Committee is not yet determined.
6. Other Open Committee Chairs- Early Childhood Education, Racism
7. Climate Change: R.Codding gave a update.
8. Police Accountability Summit- P.Peters attended and provided an update. It appears that there is some good communications between Rev. Lewis Stewart and some of the police chiefs.