Present: Becky Elwell, Bill Elwell, Gaynelle Wethers, Roberta Davis, John Noronha, Richard Codding, Anne Kiefer, Neil Jaschik, Mary Sutton, Rabbi Katz, Jeanne McElhinny, Gloria Forgione and Jamie Fazio was excused –conflict
Invocation: Barry Swan
Minutes of last meeting Moved (Gaynelle) Seconded (Roberta) Comment by John Noronha with reference to visas for Farm Workers
Finances: (Becky reported) The TIAR has $3,919 in our account.
Membership (Becky) we need to form a committee to get membership Information out to members by January.
Web Site: Neil will accept information on November updates. Barry suggested that all view the new format for our TIAR WEB Page
PAP: Check the web site, There is still conflict with city council
Immigration: Excluded workers Act passed NY State. There will be an informational meeting on this topic November 1st, check with Roberta. The Green Light Legislation has also passed.
Environment: NYREHEWS has asked us to sponsor the November 13th Rally for CCIA Legislation. John Keevert is our contact person. Barry and I attended the Annual Membership Report Meeting for Climate Accelerator with Evan Lowenstein
Presentation: Roberta Davis presented her excellent webinar on the Critical Race Theory. The presentation was well researched and well presented. Thank you, Roberta
Future meeting of the TIAR Board November 18th 4-6PM
We may recap Roberta’s Presentation at our next meeting. Topic TBA