TIAR June 17, 2021


+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+

Board Meeting Minutes

June 17, 2021

Attendance: Rich Codding, Roberta Davis, Becky Elwell, John Noronha, Barry Swan, Gaynelle

Wethers, Mary Sutton. Excused: Dorothy Barnes

Invocation: The Invocation was given by John Noronha

Minutes: The May Board minutes were approved

Reports: Becky gave the financial and membership report. We have 62 members and a balance of $4,108.54 in our account.

Roberta gave her report on PAB, PPC, Immigration and RocActs. City Council approved the PAB budget of Five Million. PPC will have their call for the Third Reconstruction on June 21 st and will March on Washington June 23 rd . The PPC also asks our support for the For the People Act which will guarantee voting rights. For more information, Contact Roberta or Richard.

The new Board for RocActs will be approved July 28 th and Roberta will be our representative. There is steady movement on Immigration: Pathway to Citizenship, Legal Rights and DACA (extended until 2022). The President supports these initiatives.

Richard gave the environment report. He attended the Accelerator advisory committee meeting Just before our TIAR meeting. This group includes members of various environmental and social Justice Groups in a several county area. RAICA has published an environment book list for adults and children and I have this list. Richard also attended a Climate reality meeting with Al Gore. He asks us to support the American Jobs Plan by calling our representatives. NYRENEWS asks for our support. This is a very young and active group working for green Legislation in NYS and at The Federal Level. The Board approved rejoining Climate Accelerator for an annual fee of $50. Also approved was Richard’s Pro Account with ZOOM for $149.90 for the year June 21 to June22.

John gave his report on the GRRC and MJ. He suggests that TIAR write a letter to MJ praising them for their efforts promoting Universal Health Care. He is working closely with GRRC to work with TIAR in endorsing Social Justice Concerns.

New Business: Roberta suggested that we focus on our spiritual development and concerns as people of faith for the next Months. We may want to consider a speaker to lead us perhaps.

Our summer Executive Meetings are 7/1, 7/15.7/29,8/12, 8/26. All Board members are invited of course to share your concerns and insights for the 2021/2022 year. All task Force Leaders are asked to write a description of their Social Justice concerns and the focus of future action, for our web page. Also we hope to have a new TIAR Web Page format very soon.

Finally, Barry led us in a personal discussion of our thoughts on the past Pandemic year and our vision for the future of TIAR. Our group remains strong and committed to Social Justice and promoting Faith based solutions to our many concerns as a Faith based Group.

Perhaps topics for the futures might include the intersection of religion and science in our quest for a more just, fair, diverse and healthy world.

I recommend John Keevert of the United Church of Christ to Speak on their ELM committee and its work in Environmental Justice and Legislative Action. Also we should consider inviting Dr. Sandra Hasenauer of the American Baptist Churches to enlighten us on the recent Summit.