+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+
January 16, 2020
Held at Covenant United Methodist Church
Board Meeting
Attending: R.Herman, R.Codding, B.Elwell, D.Bird, G.Wethers, N.Goodwin, M.Howden, M.Morich, W.Spilly, G.Strother, B.Swan, M.Sutton* and R.Davis .
* call in
1. Reflection- G.Wethers
2. Board Minutes- Motion by R.Codding; seconded by M.Morich to approve the minutes of the 10/17/19 board meeting. Approved unanimously.
3. Endorse Executive Committee Actions on 9/10/192- Motion by W.Spilly; seconded by R.Davis to endorse the actions on 9/10/19 of the Executive Committee to approve a 1/4 page ad for the ROC/ACTS ad book at $90. and to approve a $100 contribution to the Rochester Police Accountability Alliance. Approved unanimously.
4. Endorse Executive Committee Action on 12/3/19- Motion by M.Morich; seconded by M.Howden to endorse the Executive Committee’s decision to oppose the Department of Immigrations new list of increased fees via a letter signed by our president. Approved unanimously
5. Board Resignations- The following resignations from the board were received with regret and appreciation for their service: Carolyne Garmin, Gloria Lawton and Peter Peters.
6. Board Replacements- Motion by M.Morich; seconded by M.Howden to replace G.Lawton with Betty Hancock and P.Peters with Virginia Fifield to serve until the next annual meeting as permitted by our by-laws. The position held by C.Garmin remains open at this time.
7. Some Goals for 2020- Programs and Addressing Anti-Semitism, Climate Change, Racism and Safety in our Places of Worship.
8. Eastern Service Workers Association- The remaining portion of the meeting was devoted to a presentation by Benjamin Lee, Operations Manager, and Beverly Usher, both of the Eastern Service Workers Association (ESWA) defining the roles, activities and needs of the ESWA and its members.