+People of Faith Working Together+
Board Meeting of June 18,2020
Held on line as a virtual Zoom Meeting due to Covid-19
Attending: R.Codding, R.Davis, B.Elwell, J.Fazio, , V.Fifield, B.Hancock, R.Herman, M.Howden, F.Islam, E.Lemon,Jr., J.NoronhaB.Swan, and G.Wethers, .
1. Welcome and Check in- R. Davis initially presided until G.Wethers was able to connect via Zoom (A number of attendees encountered some difficulties in connecting.)
2. Board Minutes- Motion by R.Codding; seconded by M.Howden to approve the minutes of the 1/16/20 board meeting. Approved unanimously.
3. Endorse Actions by the Treasurer- Motion by B.Elwell; seconded by M.Howden to endorse the following payments on behalf of TIAR: $100 to Covenant United Methodist Church in appreciation of so generously providing us with a physical home; $300. to ROC-ACTS; $145 for a professional Zoom account and $50 to Rochester People’s Climate Coalition (RPCC). Approved unanimously.
4. Board Resignations- The following resignations from the board were received with regret and appreciation for their service: H.Robert Herman from the Board and as Secretary, effective June 30, 2020 and Mary Morich.
5. Annual Meeting Date- The date for the Annual meeting was set for October 15, 2020 at 4 PM. The place, and whether or not it will be held at a physical location or a virtual meeting via Zoom, are to be determined. A planning committee will be appointed.
6. Nominating Committee Report- B. Elwell reported the following slate of officers for 2020-2021: President- Barry Swan; Vice-President- Roberta Davis; Treasurer-Becky Elwell and Secretary- Richard Codding. These titles and duties may change as the result of. Proposed by-laws amendments which are planned to be presented at the Annual Meeting. An additional office will also be proposed- Public Relations and Communications Officer- to which Gaynelle Wethers has been nominated. Board members nominated for 2020-2021 are Heide Parreño, Barry Swan, Mary Sutton, Jamie Fazio, Ernest Flagler, Rev.Burnice Green and Farzana Islam. The class assigned to each to be set out.
7. Police Accountability Alliance- Betty Hancock and Roberta Davis who already serve on the Police AccountabilityAlliance will also represent TIAR, but will not have additional votes as a result.
8. Proposed Amendments to the By-Laws- These will be distributed as separate documents to the board via email and presented at the Annual Meeting.
9. Honoring the recent deaths and memories of Rev. Paul Hammer, a founder, past president and board member of TIAR and Peter, Mott, MD, a member for so many years. Each has been a major contributor to positive change in the world in every way. We can not do justice in words to all that they have accomplished.