+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+
Board Meeting Minutes
May 20, 2021
Invocation: Becky Elwell gave our Invocation and the meeting stared after a short open
Minutes: The minutes of the April Board Meeting were approved.
Reports: Becky Elwell gave the Financial and Membership Report. We have 63 paid
memberships and 14 surveys were returned.
Roberta Davis reported on the PAB, the Poor People’s Campaign and Immigration/DMV
We had a discussion on the PAB and especially vocal were Gaynelle and Roberta.
We did not have time for the environment report. Richard will type and attach to this document
(see below). Barry Swan will send his President’s Report to the Board.
PAB Representatives: From 4:15 until 5:30, PAB representatives, Conor Dwyer Reynolds and
chair Shani Wilson presented. Both Connor and Shani spoke about the openness of the PAB and
the differences from the Citizen review Board. The new format will investigate incidents, the
process will be transparent, the community will be updated and the investigation will be timely.
The PAB has researched other city PABs and prepared a budget (Five million requested) that
will be presented to city council.
There were questions about how communities will be involved, one suggestion was to work with
community Service Centers and established neighborhood organization. The conflict with the
police locust Club was mentioned and the need to address the violence in our city promptly.
Our next Executive meeting will be 5/25/21 and the next Board meeting will be June 6/17/21.
All are encouraged to attend if at all possible.
Richard Codding/Secretary
TIAR Board Meeting/ Environment Report
May20th, 2021 (submitted by Rich Codding)
This past week was Laudato Si’ week sponsored by Global Catholic Climate Movement
(GCCM). Pope Francis is asking Christians and interfaith Alliances to support Green energy in
an active way. He will release the Laudato Si’Platform this may 25, 2021. A guidebook will be
available, published January 2021, for all to include Laudato Si’ in liturgies and sermons.
I have sent this information to Jim Tappon of RAICA and to the Catholic Dioceses of Rochester.
Both Jim Tappon and Leslie Barkin of the Dioceses were both interested in the information.
CCL, The Citizens Climate Coalition was quoted in an Earth Beat publication and Catholic
Bishops were quoted in saying that Carbon Tax is ‘eminently doable’. CCL seeks net zero
carbon release by 2050.
John Kerry, the US convoy for climate in the US, met with Pope Francis 5/15/21.
I participated in a call-in action to NY legislators and sent emails to legislative environment
committee members to sponsor the CCIA (Climate Community Improvement Act).
I am following Climate news from NY Renews, CCL, Climate Accelerator and RAICA. I also
received a letter from Joe Morelle stating he has co-sponsored climate legislation to reduce our
carbon footprint and transition to clean energy.
Community Solar Update from Jim Tappon. Ampion has four (4) solar fields. Citizens on RGE
may switch to Solar by sign up via
Questions call Jim at 585 255 0362 or Bill Bross 585 924 5164 and Ampion 866 244 7294.
Evan Lowenstein reported Climate Accelerator news. Save Thursday 6/24/21 members picnic,
May 20 th Greenhouse Assessment Presentation, Evan asked us to keep them informed of
volunteer needs. They may be able to help! Finally our Dues of $50 have been requested. I sent
this request to Becky Elwell.