TIAR, December 20, 2018

+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+

Board Meeting Minutes
December 20, 2018

Attending: D.Bird, R.Codding, R.Davis, C.Garman, R.Herman, N.Jaschik, E.Johnson, G.Lawton, M.Morich, P.Peters, and G.Wethers.  

1. Opening Reflection- by M.Morich.   

2. Carbon Tax Proposed letter to be sent to a list of legislators- The letter drafted by M.Morich and a series of additions proposed by R.Davis were discussed .  It was agreed to send the list of additions drafted by R.Davis to M.Morich to incorporate in the letter drafted by M.Morich and the resultant second draft was reviewed by the Executive Committee at its 12/4/18 meeting.  At that 12/4/18 meeting we became aware that the legislation might be acted upon before the 12/20/18 board meeting.  The Executive Committee  decided to send the letter as received by them including the recommended changes.  Motion by P.Peters; seconded by R.Codding to approve the action of the Executive Committee.  Approved unanimously.

3. General conversation over refreshments about:  

A. Annual meeting issue.
B.REACH Program  Winter shelter and move to shift from term ”homeless” to “shelter deprived” and to become a board driven 501c3 organization.

TIAR, October 18, 2018

+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+
Board Meeting Minutes

October 18, 2018

Attending: R.Codding,  R.Davis , B.Elwell  R.Herman, E.Johnson, G.Lawton, M.Morich, , W.Spilly, and B.Swan.    Guest:  Jim Tappon

Vice-President B. Elwell presided in the absence of the President, G.Wethers.
There being one short of a quorum, no business was conducted.

1. Opening Reflection- by R.Codding.   

2. Minutes:  Motion to approve the minutes of the 9/20/18 meeting was deferred to the next meeting.  

3. Speaker-  Jim Tappon; Topic- “What is Carbon Fee and Dividend?”  A request for action will be on the agenda for the November Executive Committee meeting.

4. Membership- M.Morich reported.  27 have not responded to the recent letter sent to members who had not renewed, 7 of whom are board members.  M.Morich plans to follow up.

TIAR, November 15, 2018

+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+
Board Meeting Minutes

November 15, 2018

Attending: D.Bird, R.Codding, B.Elwell, R.Davis   R.Herman, M.Howden, N.Jaschik, E.Johnson, G.Lawton, B.Swan, and G.Wethers,  

Guest:  Richard Moll

1. Opening Reflection- by R.Davis.   

2. Minutes:  Motion by B.Elwell; seconded by R.Codding to approve the minutes of the 9/20/18.  Approved unanimously.   Motion by E.Johnson; seconded by R.Davis to approve the minutes/notes of the10/18/18 meeting.  Approved unanimously.

3. Speaker-  Richard Moll; Topic-  “Water Availability, Quality and Contamination.”

4. Carbon Tax Proposed letter to be sent to a list of legislators- The letter drafted by M.Morich  and a series of additions proposed by R.Davis were discussed .  It was agreed to send the list of additions drafted by R.Davis to M.Morich to incorporate in the letter drafted by M.Morich and the resultant second draft would be reviewed by the Executive Committee at its 12/4/18 meeting for further presentation at the 12/20/18 board meeting.

TIAR September 20, 2018


+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+


Board Meeting Minutes

September 20, 2018


Attending: A.Cason, R.Codding, C. Garman, R.Herman, M.Howden, N.Jaschik, E.Johnson, G.Lawton, M.Morich, G.Strother, B.Swan, and G.Wethers.

Guests: David Johnson and Natasha Howard


1.     Opening Reflection-    By G.Wethers.  


2.     Minutes:  Motion by B.Swan; seconded by A.Cason to approve the minutes of the June 21, 2018  Board meeting.  Approved unanimously.   


3.     Lawrence Wittmer-   Motion by N.Jaschik; seconded by M.Morich to give membership emeritus status to Rev. Lawrence (Larry) Witmer, one of the founders of TIAR .


4.     Speakers  David Johnson and Natasha Howard  Presented information about Solace Haven, Inc. a beginning “Youth Crisis center”.  Their web site is www.solacehaven.org.


5.     Adjournment :  The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 pm.

TIAR June 21, 2018


+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+

Board Meeting Minutes

June 21, 2018

Attending: D.Bird. R.Codding, R.Davis, R.Herman, N.Jaschik, E.Johnson, G.Lawton, M.Morich, J.Noronha, H.Parreño, P.Peters, B.Swan, and G.Wethers.

1.     Opening Reflection-    By R.Codding.  

2.     Minutes:  Motion by B.Swan; seconded by G.Lawton to approve the minutes of the April19, 2018  Board meeting.  Approved unanimously.  

 3.    Membership-   M.Morich reported: 64 paid members out of 113.

 4.    Annual Meeting Committee- H.Parreño reported.    38 attended (24 members, 4 guests v. 34 attended in 2017. The next annual meeting is tentatively scheduled for June 9, 2019 at the JCC.  G.Wethers announced that Roberta Davis will serve as the Annual Meeting chair for the coming year.

5.      Nominating Committee- The chair for the Nominating Committee is not yet determined.

6.     Other Open Committee Chairs-  Early Childhood Education, Racism

7.     Climate Change:  R.Codding gave a update.

8.     Police Accountability Summit-  P.Peters attended and provided an update.  It appears that there is some good communications between Rev. Lewis Stewart and some of the police chiefs.

TIAR May 6, 2018


+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+


Minutes of the Annual Celebration and meeting

May 6, 2018

Held at the Jewish Community Center, 1200 Edgewood Ave.



1.  Attending:  Members and board members attending constituted a quorum.


2.  Welcome- by Gaynelle Wethers, President.


3.  Reflection- Roberta Davis


4.  Nominating Committee Report and Election of Officers and Board Members- by Heide Parreño, distributed in writing, on behalf of the nominating committee, the slate of Board Members and Officers .  She then read, on behalf of the nominating committee, the slate of Board Members and Officers and moved the acceptance of the slate as presented.  Seconded by B.Elwell.  Approved unanimously.  Nominations were called from the floor. Motion by M.Morich; seconded by D.Bird for the nomination and election of Jamie Fazio, Ernest Flagler and Gloria Lawton all to the class of 2020.  Approved unanimously. 


 5.  Program-  “Hope for the Poor and the Vulnerable: Poor People’s Campaign”   Keynote speaker: Rev. Emily McNeill, Executive Director of Labor-Religion Coalition and Co-Founder of the NYS Poor People’s Campaign.   Panel Discussion:  Peter Peters, Moderator; Edward Lemon, Dr. Tabassam Javed, Barry Swan, Gaynelle Wethers (substituting for Sr.Christine Wagner) Panelists.


6.  Annual Report - by Gaynelle Wethers, President was distributed.  (to be sent as a separate e-mail and will be posted on the TIAR web site, www.tiar.org


7.  Treasurer’s Report- by D.Bird, Treasurer;  distributed.


TIAR April 19, 2018


+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+

April 19, 2018 Board Meeting

Attending: D.Bird, B.Elwell, R.Codding, C.Garman, R.Herman, N.Jaschik, E.Lemon,Jr., H.Parreño, P.Peters, G.Strother, M.Sutton, B.Swan, and G.Wethers.   Guests:  Alice Carli and Cy Varland.

1.     Opening Reflection-    By R.Herman.  

2.     Minutes:  Motion by B.Elwell; seconded by R.Codding to approve the minutes of the March15, 2018  Board meeting.  Approved unanimously.  

 3.    Membership- As of 4/10/18 61 members  (55 paid and 6 honorary.)

 4.    Annual Meeting Committee- H.Parreño reported.   The dinner following the annual meeting will be at the Raj Mahal on Jefferson Rd., Henrietta.  $20.per person with the presenter and panelists as guests. Please advise B.Elwell if you plan to attend ( elwellbecky@gmail.com ). E.Lemmon, Jr. will replace B.Green on the responding panel.

5.      Nominating Committee- H.Parreño reported.  There will be one new board member:  Pastor Burnice Green.

6.     REACH-  P.Peters reported.  Motion by H.Parren1o contribute $300 to REACH; seconded by B.Elwell. Approved unanimously.

7.     June 21, 2018 Board Meeting-  Environment (R.Codding) and Police Community Summit will be addressed.

8.     September 2018 Board meeting. P.Peters will provide an update on REACH.

9.     Campaign for NY Health (single payer)- Alice Carli presented on this issue follows by a question period.  More information can be obtained at NYH.org.  

TIAR February 15, 2018

The Interfaith Alliance of Rochester

+People of Faith Working Together for Justice in Public Policy+

Board Meeting Minutes

February 15, 2018

ATTENDING: Dayle Bird, Roberta Davis, Becky Elwell, Carolyne Garman, Martha Howden, Neil Jaschik, Elaine Johnson, Mary Morich, Heide Parreno, Gil Strother, Gaynelle Wethers. Guest: Pastor Burnice Green Sr.

CALL TO ORDER: Gaynelle called the meeting to order.

REFLECTION: Neil Jaschik gave the reflection.

INTRODUCTIONS: Introductions were exchanged with Pastor Green and he was welcomed. He indicated the top issues for city as he saw them were family, jobs, and healthcare.

APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Motion by Becky Elwell and seconded by Elaine Johnson. The agenda was approved unanimously.

APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Motion by Mary Morich to approve January minutes; seconded by Becky Elwell. The minutes were approved unanimously.

BUDGET/FINANCE REPORT: Dayle reported that as of February 14, the treasury balance was $3009.18. The budget for 2018 was presented and discussed. Motion by Heide Parreno to accept the budget; seconded by Martha Howden. The budget was unanimously approved.

MEMBERSHIP: Mary Morich reported that membership renewals for 2018 were sent out.

NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Heide reported the following potential nominees for the Board: Pastor Burnice Green Sr., Jamie Fazio, Char Guess Bardquess and Rev. David Inglis.

ANNUAL MEETING: The speaker will be Rev. Emily McNeil of the NYS Labor Religion Coalition. There will also be a panel of four to react to her talk. Gaynelle assigned the committee to come up with a budget for the annual meeting.

TIAR MISSION STATEMENT: Neil presented his revision of the mission statement for discussion. The statement is to be approved at the next meeting.

GUN VIOLENCE: Neil led a discussion regarding the status of the coalition. He named several groups that we could join as part of the coalition.

ISSUES FOR 2018: There was a discussion on various issues listed at the January meeting. No priority was determined.

The meeting was adjourned

TIAR January 18, 2018


+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+

January 18, 2018

Held at Covenant United Methodist Church

Board Meeting


Attending: D.Bird, A.Cason, R.Davis, B.Elwell, C.Garman, R.Herman, M.Howden, N.Jaschik, E.Johnson, M.Morich, H.Parreño, P.Peters, W.Spilly, G.Strother, B.Swan, and G.Wethers.   


1.     Opening Reflection-    By M.Morich.  

2.     Minutes:  Motion by W.Spilly; seconded by B.Swan to approve the minutes of the December 21, 2017  Board meeting.  Approved unanimously.  

3.     Treasurer report-  D.Bird  reported that the current treasury balance was $2,884.48.  She presented the 2017 year end Financial report.  Motion by M.Morich; seconded by B.Elwell to accept the report.  Approved unanimously

4.     Membership-  M.Morich reported.  Presented a general update.

5.     Nominating Committee Report-  H.Parrreño reported.  Committee met earlier on 1/18/18.   Each Board member is requested to suggest potential board members who will be active attendees  and participants in the work of the Board.  Submit names to H.Parreño.  All whose terms were to expire in 2018 have agreed to continue.  Additional prospects continue to be considered.

6.     Annual Meeting Committee- H.Parreño reported.   The annual meeting will be at the JCC ($120 rental for 3 hours on 5/6/18  from 3 to 5 PM . The tentative topic is “Poverty”; the tentative speaker will be Emily McNeil of the NYS Labor-Religion Coalition (both subject to confirmation)

7.     Where may TIAR go in 2018 Discussion-  This involved each attendee to expresss his or her thoughts.  A summary was emailed to the board list on 1/22/18 prior to the distribution of these minutes. 

The next Board Meeting will be Thursday, February 15, 2018 at 4:00 PM at the Covenant United Methodist Church (Culver at Parsells).

TIAR March 15, 2018


+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+

March 15, 2018

Board Meeting Minutes

Attending: R.Codding, B.Elwell, R.Davis, C.Garman, R.Herman, M.Howden, F.Islam, N.Jaschik, T.Javed, E.Johnson, M.Morich, H.Parreño, P.Peters, G.Strother B.Swan, and G.Wethers,.   Guests:  Ernest Flagler-Mitchell, Gary Pudup and Char Guess Bardques

1.     Opening Reflection-    By P.Peters.  

2.     Minutes:  Motion by B.Elwell; seconded by T.Javed to approve the minutes of the February 15, 2018  Board meeting.  Approved unanimously.  

 3.    Membership-  M.Morich reported.  53 paid returns out of possible 109 members.

 4.    Annual Meeting Committee- H.Parreño reported.   A dinner will occur following the meeting.  Presenter and panelists will be guests; others will pay for selves.  Place and details to follow.

5.     Budget report deferred.

6.     Poor Peoples Campaign-  Motion for TIAR to join by R.Codding; seconded by H Parreño.  Approved unanimously.

7.     Gun Violence and Gun Control- Ernest Flagler-Mitchell, a Monroe County Legislator spoke to these issues which were also addressed by Gary Pudup (New Yorkers Against Gun Violence).  Motion by B.Swan; seconded by E.Johnson for TIAR to support and encourage attendance on 3/24/18 at St. Mary’s Square the youth organized anti-gun violence event.  Approved unanimously.  Motion by N.Jaschik; seconded by B.Elwell for TIAR to support the need for safe storage legislation.  Approved unanimously.  Motion by R.Codding; seconded by E.Johnson for TIAR to endorse the proposal of the Interdisciplinary Group on Preventing School and Community Violence proposal as presented at the web site https://curry.virginia.edu/prevent-gun-violence . Approved unanimously.

8.     Support for Stable Housing- P.Peters encouraged each of us to support this NYS Assembly bill.

TIAR December 21, 2017


+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+


December 21, 2017

Board Meeting Minutes

Attending: D.Bird, R.Codding, B.Elwell,  R.Herman, M.Howden, F.Islam, E.Johnson, M.Morich, H.Parreño, P.Peters, M.Sutton, B.Swan and G.Wethers.   

Guest:  Sue Staropoli

1.     Opening Reflection-    By M.Howden.  


2.     Minutes:  Motion by M.Morich; seconded by B.Swan to approve the minutes of the November 16, 2017  Board meeting.  Approved unanimously.  


3.     Treasurer report-  D.Bird  reported that the current treasury balance was $2,799.48.


4.     Membership-  M.Morich reported.  99 paid/honorary members out of roster of 120.  Recommended more active recruiting.


5.     Endorsement of Executive Committee’s decision to donate $100 to Covenant United Methodist Church (UCMC) in appreciation of their allowing us to meet there-  Motion to endorse by R.Codding; seconded by E.Johnson; Approved unanimously.


6.     Request for insurance coverage from CUMC-  B.Elwell will follow up this issue and report back.


7.     “Healing the Great Divide”-  Motion by P.Peters; seconded by M.Morich to be a co-sponsor of this  Pachamama event on 1/20/18 at 2-5 PM at Greece Baptist Church.  Approved unanimously.


8.     $50 Contribution to the event set out in paragraph 7 above - Motion by E.Johnson; seconded by B.Swan.  Approved unanimously.


9.     Nominating Committee Report-  H.Parrreño reported.  Committee met earlier on 12/21/17 and will next meet 1/18/18 at 3 PM.  Each Board member is requested to suggest potential board members who will be active attendees  and participants in the work of the Board.  Submit names to H.Parreño.


10.   Annual Meeting Committee- H.Parreño reported.  Shults Center not available.  JCC for $120 for 3 hours has been obtained for 5/6/18 3 to 5 PM annual meeting.  G.Wethers obtained backup of room we used last year at Nazareth.


11. Gun Violence- B.Elwell reported.  The Rochester Coalition is having a quilt program as an additional means to draw attention to the problems.


12.       “Project Drawdown”-  Sue Straropoli described this Pachama Alliance project ( 1/4,11,18 and 21/2018 )  which addresses carbon reduction problems and solutions.  For more information see  www.drawdown.org.

TIAR November 16, 2017


+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+


Board Meeting Minutes

November 16, 2017


Attending: D.Bird, R.Codding, R.Davis, B.Elwell, C.Garman, R.Herman, M.Howden, N.Jaschik, E.Johnson, E.Lemon, M.Morich, H.Parreño, M.Sutton, B.Swan and G.Wethers.    Guest:  Grania Marcus


1.     Opening Reflection-    By C.Garman.  


2.     Minutes:  Motion by B.Swan; seconded by R.Codding to approve the minutes of the October 11, 2017  Board meeting.  Approved unanimously.  


3.     Treasurer report-  D.Bird  reported that the current treasury balance was $2,884.48.


4.     The following items were reported on:  The Nominating Committee Chair for 2017-2018 will be H.Parreño;  The Annual meeting chair for the 2018 annual meeting will be H.Parreño.


5.     Green Light NY: Driving Together (Green Light)-  Grania Marcus representing the Rochester area advocates present the background, activities and goals for this program.


6.     Green Light -  Motion by R.Herman; seconded by H.Parreño for TIAR to endorse the Green Light program.  Approved unanimously.


7.     Gun Control Vigil- Motion by N.Jaschik; seconded by H.Parreño for TIAR to co-sponsor the Gun Control Vigil on12/14/17 at 7 PM at Martin Luther Park.  Approved unanimously.


8. Membership Report-  M.Morich reported.  96 renewals; removed 5 from roster; 7 new members (incl. in 96); roster now 115.



The next Board Meeting will be Thursday, December 21, 2017 at 4:00 PM at the Covenant United Methodist Church (Culver at Parsells).

TIAR October 19, 2017


+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+


Board Meeting Minutes

October 19, 2017



Attending: D.Bird, R.Codding, R.Davis, C.Garman, R.Herman, N.Jaschik, E.Johnson, E.Lemon, M.Morich, G.Strother, and G.Wethers. 


Guest:  Luticha Doucette



1.     Opening Reflection-    By R.Codding.  


2.     Minutes:  Motion by M.Morich; seconded by D.Bird to approve the minutes of the September 28, 2017  Board meeting.  Approved unanimously.  


3.     Treasurer report-  D.Bird  reported that the current treasury balance was $2,848.48.


4.     The following items were reported on:  RocActs Annual Meeting will be 11/2/17 E.Johnson has sent out info.    Environment -  R.Codding, distributed cards yo representatives and Senators for us to fill out.   Greenlight (drivers licenses for noncitizen migrants). R.Davis advised of a training meeting on on legislative strategy11/6/17 630 PM at Unitarian Church.


5.     Information Updates-  TIAR’s opposition to a state Constitutional Convention media releases were sent out.  Urban League representatives met with the Executive Committee on 10/2/17.


6.     Poverty in Rochester-  Luticha Doucette, Research Analyst in the Rochester Mayor’s office addressed poverty in the City especially noting the negative racial and gender disparity.


The next Board Meeting will be Thursday, November 16, 2017 at 4:00 PM at the Covenant United Methodist Church (Culver at Parsells).

TIAR September 28, 2017


+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+


Board Meeting Minutes

September 28, 2017



Attending: D.Bird, A.Cason, R.Codding, R.Davis, B.Elwell, V.Fifield, C.Garman, R.Herman, M.Howden, F.Islam, N.Jaschik, E.Johnson, E.Lemon,Jr. M.Morich, H.Parreño, P.Peters, W.Spilly, G.Strother, B.Swan, and G.Wethers.



1.     Opening Reflection-    By A.Cason.  


2.     Minutes:  Motion by P.Peters; seconded by M.Howden to approve the minutes of the May 21, 2017  annual meeting.  Approved unanimously.  Motion by M.Morich; seconded by E.Johnson to approve the minutes of the June 15,2017 Board meeting.


3.     Treasurer reported-  D.Bird  reported that the current treasury balance was $2,753.48.


4.     Future Reflections Sign up-  A sign up sheet was distributed for volunteers for future Reflections.


5.     N.Y. Constitutional Convention position-  Motion by N.Jaschik; seconded by H.Parreño  for TIAR to express support for the proposed N.Y.State Constitution as it appears on the November ballot.  Voted down.  Motion by R.Herman; seconded by M.Howden to oppose such convention and to express the opposition publicly.  Approved.  Referred to Executive Committee to execute the publication of TIAR’s position of opposition.


6.     The following items were reported on:  Police Accountability- Loretta Scott is expected to raise this issue in City Council.  RocActs Annual meeting will be 11/2/17 addressing among other items, per B.Elwell, Police Accountability,Child Care and Wage Equity of Healthcare Workers.  REACH, per P.Peters, would like to “flip”houses to provided housing for the homeless.  Global Warming, per R.Codding, who will distribute an electric copy of his material; participation by G.Wethers in the FEPC Pledge signing event on 9/7/17.  Greenlight (drivers licenses for noncitizen migrants by R.Davis that support of farmers is being sought.


The next Board Meeting will be Thursday, October 19, 2017 at 4:00 PM at the Covenant United Methodist Church (Culver at Parsells).

TIAR June 15, 2017


+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+


June 15, 2017

Held at Covenant United Methodist Church

Board Meeting

Attending: D. Bird, A. Cason, R. Codding, R. Davis, B. Elwell, C. Garman, R. Herman, E. Johnson, M. Morich, J. Noronha, H. Parreño, P. Peters, M. Sutton, B. Swan, and G. Wethers,  ; Guest-  Jon Greenbaum (ROC ACTS)

1.     Opening Reflection-    By B. Elwell. 

2.     Introduction of Board members- G. Wethers

3.     Minutes:  Motion by A. Cason; seconded by H. Parreño to approve the minutes of the 4/20/17 Board meeting.  Approved unanimously.  Motion by B. Elwell; seconded by P. Peters to approve the minutes of the 5/21/17 Annual Meeting.  Approved unanimously.

4.     Treasurer’s Report- D. Bird reported.  $2,322.48 is current treasury balance.

5.     RCRGV- P. Peters reported

6.     Membership- M. Morich reported. 120 on roster; 70 paid, 7 honorary.  A second mailing has just gone out.

7.     Endorsement of actions taken by Executive Committee- Motion by A. Cason; seconded by E. Johnson to endorse renewal of TIAR’s membership in ROC ACTS for an additional 1 year at cost of $300.  Approved unanimously.;  Motion by P.Peters; seconded by J. Noronha to continue our participation with the League of Women Voters in the Fair Election Practices Committee (FEPC).  Approved unanimously.

8.     GRCC recognition of Martha Howden-  H. Parreño reported

9.     Gun Violence- At the request of E. Johnson, M. Sutton spoke about her work and experiences in connection with gun violence.

10.   Eastern Service Workers request for funds- By consensus we agreed that since we are not a funding organization we would leave it to individuals to   choose whether or not to contribute.

11.   Speaker- Jon Greenbaum of ROC ACTS re “Sacred Conversations” about race and ethnicity which will resume next fall.

12.   September Board Reflection- A. Cason volunteered to present the reflection at the September Board meeting.

TIAR May 21, 2017


+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+

Minutes of the Annual Celebration and Meeting

Held at the Nazareth College, Golisano Academic Center

May 21, 2017


1. Attending: Members and board members attending constituted a quorum.


2. Welcome- by Becky Elwell, President.


3. Reflection- Virginia Fifield


4. Nominating Committee Report and Election of Officers and Board Members- by Martha Howden, distributed in writing, on behalf of the Nominating Committee, the slate of Board Members and Officers . She then read, on behalf of the nominating committee, the slate of Board Members and officers. M.Howden moved; Sr. Beth LeValley seconded the acceptance of the nominating committee’s report and the election of the board members and officers as reported. There were no other nominations from the floor.  The motions were approved unanimously.


5. Sr. Gratia L’Esperance was honored for her extraordinary service throughout the years which service still continues. She has served president and in more other important roles than it is possible to list.


6. Program- Panel discussion: “Deportation, the Bn and the Wall.”

Panelists: Ted O’Brien, Assistant Attorney-General in the Rochester Regional Office; Getachew (GG) Beshir, Refugee Resettlement Manager, Catholic Family Center and Grania Marcus Ph.D, long time immigration activist.


7. Annual Report - by Becky Elwell, President was distributed.


8. Treasurer’s Report- by D.Bird, Treasurer; distributed.


9. This marked the 20th Anniversary of TIAR. The members of the Initial Steering Committee and the first Board of Directors were listed in the program.

TIAR April 20, 2017


+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+


April 20, 2017

Held at Covenant United Methodist Church

Board Meeting



Attending: R.Herman, D.Bird, N.Jaschik, B.Elwell, P.Peters, H.Parreño, M.Howden, C.Garman, M.Morich, G.Strother, E.Lemon,Jr. and B.Swan.  Guests: Deborah Peifer and Farzana Islam


1.     Opening Reflection-    By D.Bird.  


2.     Minutes:  Motion by H.Parreño; seconded by M.Howden to approve the minutes of the February 16, 2017board meeting.  Approved unanimously.  The March meeting was cancelleddue to a snow storm.


3.     Treasurer reported-  D.Birdreported that the current treasury balance was $2,992.27.


4.     Nominating Committee Report-  M.Howden reported.  The following have been nominated as new board members: Rich Codding, Mubarak Bashir, Mary Sutton, Roberta Davis and Farzana Islam.  George Payne and Marie Hickey will be leaving the board. Nominees for Officers:   President- G.Wethers,  Vice-President- B.Elwell, Treasurer- D.Bird, Secretary- R.Herman. Other board members will continue or renew for an additional 3 year term.


5.     Membership -  M.Morich reported. There are currently 64 paid members; 7 honorary members for a total of 71 members out of a roster of 118 members.  A second mailing for due will go out in May.


6.     Annual Meeting Committee report-  H.Parreño reported.  The panelists will be Ted O’Brien (AG’s office, Getachew Beshir (GG).Refugee Resettlement Program Manager,Refugee, Immigration, & Language Services Department, Catholic Family Center and Carly Fox.  G,Fifield will deliver the Reflection.


7.     Rochester Coalition to Reduce Gun Violence (RCRGV)- N.Jaschik reportedThe coalition continues to expand with a focus on education and advocacy.  Motion by N.Jaschik; seconded by P.Peters to accept the statement of purpose of the coalition and to confirm membership in the Coalition.  Approved unanimously.


8.     Endorsement of action taken by the Executive Committee-  A $36 contribution to the Jewish Community Federation for the fund to repair and reset the damage done to the local Jewish cemetery. Motion by M.Morich; seconded by H.Parreño.  Approved unanimously.


9.     Speaker-  Chiara Smith- Program Manager ABC Save Our Youth Program.  She was accompanied by Mary Sutton and C.Nesmith of her staff.  The program addresses street violence, especially gun violence in theN.E. area of the city.There will be a vigil on June2, 2107 (wear orange).  June is gun violence awareness month.


10.  June Board Meeting Board-  By consensus it was agreed that we have a board meeting on June 15, 2017.  The Annual meeting has been moved from June to May.

TIAR February 16, 2017


People of Faith Working Together for Justice in Public Policy

February 16, 2017 Board Meeting

Held at Covenant United Methodist Church


Attending: D. Barnes, D. Byrd, B. Elwell, C. Garman, M. Howden, N. Jaschik, G. L’Esperance, M. Morich, H. Parreno, P. Peters, W. Spilly, G. Strother, and B. Swan

Guests: Barbara Lacker-Ware, Ted Forsyth, Roberta Davis, Farzana Islam, Mary Sutton


Introduction:  Guests and Board Members introduced themselves.


Reflection:  Given by Martha Howden


Minutes:  The acceptance of the January minutes were moved and seconded.  They were approved.


Treasurer’s Report:  Dayle Byrd reported a balance of $2, 122.47.


Nominating Committee Report:  Martha Howden stated that selecting a slate of new Board Members and Vice-President is still in process.  There are some prospects for the Board but they have yet to find a VP candidate.  Becky expressed a desire to have the slate completed by the end of March.


Global Citizenship Conference:  The Global Citizenship Conference will be held on March 14 from 8:00AM to 1:30PM at the Hickey Center.  Becky moved and it was seconded to contribute $100.00 to the Hickey Center.  The Board approved the motion.


Annual Meeting:  Becky stated that the Annual Meeting may occur on May 18 because our usual June date occurs during Ramadan.  The Committee is pursuing the possibility of having as the speaker either the Rev. William Barber of the Moral Majority or Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota, a candidate for chair of the Democratic Party.


 Program:  Barbara Lacker-Ware and Ted Forsyth presented their findings regarding the current process for investigating citizen complaints about police misconduct. To reform the process, they recommend the creation of an independent Police Accountability Board (CAB).  They asked TIAR to endorse their recommendation and write a letter of support to Rochester City Council. Peter Peters moved to endorse the CAB; Dorothy Barnes seconded the motion. The Board approved the motion unanimously.


Becky Elwell adjourned the meeting.


The Next Board Meeting will be Thursday, March 16,2017 at 4:00 PM at the

Covenant United Methodist Church (Culver at Parsells).

TIAR January 19, 2017

+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+

Board Meeting Minutes

January 19, 2017

Attending: D.Barnes, D.Bird, A.Cason, B.Elwell, C.Garman, R.Herman, M.Howden, N.Jaschik, E.Johnson, M.Morich, H.Parreño, P.Peters, G.Strother, and G.Wethers. Guest: Pamela Brown Coleman
1. Opening Reflection-    By R.Herman.   

2. Minutes:  Motion by H.Parreño; seconded by M.Howden to approve the minutes of the December 15, 2016  board meeting.  Approved unanimously.  

3.  Treasurer reported-  D.Bird presented the Treasurer’s Report for the fiscal yer ending 12/31/16. (This report was previously distributed electronically to the board) Motion by P.Peters; seconded by D.Barnes to accept the report.  Approved unanimously.  D.Bird presented the budget for fiscal year 1/1/17 through 12/31/17 (The budget was previously distributed electronically to the board)  Motion by M.Morich; seconded by H.Parreño to adopt the budget as presented. Approved unanimously.

4. Nominating Committee Report-  M.Howden reported.  Tabassam Javed will withdraw his resignation (which was to have taken effect 6/30/17) from the board and will continue to serve his full term.  The slate of officer nominees for 2017-2918 will be G.Wethers, President; vice- president position is still in process; R.Herman, Secretary; D.Bird, Treasurer. new board members: still in process.

5. REACH Bridge Home -  P.Peters reported. The opening of the new shelter has been further delayed and the temporary shelter continues with the social workers volunteering their time. Their position as expressed is that no one will be put out in the cold.
6. Annual Meeting Committee report-  G.Wethers reported.  A list of possible speakers and topics have been created and pursuit of speakers has begun. At lest two dates have been considered as well as two possible sites for the meeting. The next committee meeting will be 1/27/17.

7. Rochester Coalition to Reduce Gun Violence (RCRGV)- N.Jaschik reported  The coalition continues to expand with a focus on education and advocacy.

8. Endorsement of actions taken by the Executive Committee-  

A.   A letter in support of DACA ( Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) requesting signatures from organizations was, after circulating the request by email and receiving a positive response from board members, signed on behalf of TIAR by the President. Motion by G.Wethers; seconded by A.Cason to endorse the action by the Executive Committee/  Approved Unanimously.  

B.  Another action relating to our cosponsoring an event which was approved by the Executive  Committee requires additional clarification and will be deferred until the 2/16/17 board meeting.


9.  Discussion on Building Membership - Transcript of Notes relating to membership, board participation, and recruitment taken by Martha Howden


General membership:

1. Need an active recruiting plan
2. Informal members recruiting members
3. Advertise including, but not limited to church bulletins (as much free as possible)
4. Membership events and open invitation for members to volunteer, participate in particular areas.
5. Communicate to members what we are most passionate about  and what we have accomplished
6. Make presentation to Nazareth Young People’s World Religions program re who we re and what we do
7. Phone calls to members re something we are doing and ask for input from the  member called  “People appreciate being called; do more than 1x per year. We appreciate your being a member; what we are doing, your suggestions;  invite active participation from the member in a particular project, etc.
8. Identify and invite young people who want action and let them know about our actions
9. Make people aware that we are the only interfaith organization that is action as well as education oriented.
10. Ask members to recruit their friends and contacts.
11. Follow up is important
12. Form an Outreach/ action; college speakers/forum
13. Hold a tea for members
14. Mugs or pens with TIAR name, etc for presenters guests, and others.

Board membership:

1. Stress we want board members who will both attend meeting and actively participate in planning and projects.
2. Identify and seek out appropriate recent retirees
3. Ask each current board member to function as an active recruiter.

TIAR December 15, 2016

+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+

December 15, 2016
Board Meeting  Minutes

Attending: D.Bird, A.Cason, B.Elwell, R.Herman, M.Howden, N.Jaschik, E.Johnson, H.Parreño, and P.Peters.  Guest: Ryan Acuff

1. Opening Reflection-    By H.Parreño.   

2. Minutes:  Motion by P.Peters; seconded by A.Cason to approve the minutes of the November 17, 2016 board meeting.  Approved unanimously.  

3.  Treasurer reported-  D.Bird reported that the treasury balance was $2,372.22 (including a contribution by Elizabeth Osta received today), as of 11/17/16.

4. Cosponsoring Event with Pachamama Alliance-  Motion by A.Cason; seconded by H.Parreño to endorse the decision of the Executive Committee to cosponsor, accompanied by a $50 contribution, the January 20,2017 event, “Inaugurating Hope” which will be held at the First Unitarian Church, 220 Winton Rd. South from 7 PM to 9 PM.  Advance reservations are requested because of space limitations.  Approved unanimously.

5. REACH Bridge Home Contribution-  Motion by P.Peters; seconded by H.Parreño to contribute $200.  Approved unanimously.  This request toward funding arose because the new House of Mercy shelter will not be open at the earliest until sometime in January 2017. The $200 will go toward the expenses at the temporary shelter at 10 Ontario St.

6. Fair Elections Practices Committee (FEPC) Expenses-  Motion by P.Peters; seconded by H.Parreño to authorize payment, as previously agreed, of $100 as our share of the 2016 expenses for the FEPC project to The League of Women Voters.  Approved unanimously.

7. Rochester Coalition to Reduce Gun Violence (RCRGV)- N.Jaschik reported  Current focus is on safe gun storage in Monroe County.  Legislation in the county legislature will be needed.

8. Homelessness-  Ryan Acuff, a social worker at the House of Mercy briefed us at length about the current state of homelessness in Rochester, what is being done about it and what projects might be utilized including, but not limited to a new Housing Court, “Just Cause Eviction” legislation and use of the Rochester Community Land Trust.  We explored what roles TIAR might take.